"What were you talking about? There's no one there." Stacy handed the binoculars back to Wade and looked at her brothers to find out who they were talking about.
Wade and Wayne just looked at each other and cursed at the same time.
"What's wrong?" Stacy was bewildered looking at their expressions.
"Why is he here?" Wade bit his nails nervously and asked Wayne who immediately averted his eyes.
"What did you do, Wayne?" He narrowed his eyes when he saw how Wayne evaded him earlier.
"Hehe… Nothing much." He waved his hand like it was not a big deal but Wade still glared at him.
"I think I might be the reason why he is here tonight." Wayne sheepishly said and scratched his neck.
Stacy was still confused as to what they were talking about but Wade's eyes widened and it looked like he was about to pounce on his brother.
So Stacy quickly pushed them away and positioned herself between them so that they wouldn't break into a brawl right here in this small confined space.
"Stop it! Will someone tell me what's going on?" She yelled and Wade just shot an accusing glance at Wayne.
"You should be asking him that!" He pointed at Wayne's nose and his finger was smacked away.
"It wasn't intentional, alright! How was I supposed to know that they would choose the same meeting place?" He folded his hands on his chest and confessed stubbornly.
Looking at Stacy's expression, as if she would murder them in the next second if she was not told about what was going on, he decided to come clean about what had happened.
He told them about his friend and how he had consented to the date on his friend's behalf. That he really did not know that they would be having the date here.
"This is Karma for fucking him over, you know that right?" Wade sneered at him and Stacy nodded.
"But why exactly is this such a bad thing? How much I am aware of it, Nana does not know your friend." Stacy asked and they turned to face her at the same time.
"It would be better if they never meet each other." They said in a serious tone and she felt an ominous feeling looking at their serious faces.
The serious atmosphere eased when Wade spotted someone he knew.
"Ivan is late as always." He quipped and Stacy quickly looked at the spot where Wade was looking at.
She saw a man in a dark blue suit with a tall build and great head of hair walking inside the restaurant while speaking on the phone.
"So that's Mr. Crush, huh?" Stacy giggled when she was finally able to see the man on whom Lina was crushing hard.
"Ivan's the guy she likes? Not Leon?" Wade looked at her in confusion.
'I thought she likes Leon because she hangs out with him all the time.' Wade thought of the daily reports that he received from his assistant.
"I do not know who this Leon is. She only spoke about some Ivan Zhou, if I remember correctly." Stacy said and noticed that the man was back outside.
"This place still has horrible reception, huh?" Wade said while looking at the man pacing outside.
He felt Wayne and Stacy gawking at him like he had three heads and so he explained the reason why he knew that.
"I own the place." He declared as if it was common knowledge and shrugged his shoulders.
"Oh, did I forget to mention that?" He sweetly smiled at them but all he got back were fierce glares.
"I've been starving here and now you are telling me that we could have been inside the place without any problem this whole time?" Stacy said through gritted teeth and Wayne nodded along.
"Stacy's been feeling claustrophobic and you made her sit in this shitty car of yours?" Wayne egged her on to see what she might do to Wade.
"Oh, Stacy! You should have just told me that you were hungry!" Wade messed up her hair and texted someone on his phone.
"Did you forget how you two shushed me when my stomach growled earlier?" Stacy inched closer to Wade and glowered at him.
"Calm down, I've texted the manager, he'll get you something to eat so please calm down." He pleaded with her and she just hmphed and looked out the window.
'A hungry woman is an angry woman!' Wade reminded himself.
"We can just go inside right? Why are we still sitting here?" Wayne knocked on his head and questioned him.
"Did you forget that bastard who just entered the restaurant? We can't let him see us, genius!" Wade mocked him.
"Guys? That man has disappeared." Stacy brought their attention back to the reason why they were here.
"We must have missed him because Wade decided to show off his wealth to us!" Wayne was annoyed and stared at his little brother.
"Shut up! You were the ones who made it such a big deal. It's just a small restaurant anyway." He refused to take the blame for this.
They sat dejected because they couldn't see what had happened so all they could do now was to wait until Lina was done for the night.
Soon the manager hurried over to Wade's car and delivered them boxes filled with their best signature dishes.
"At least the food here is great." Stacy said as she gobbled up the linguini with lobster sauce.
The three had a scrumptious meal right there in Wade's car and had a lot of fun hanging out.
Stacy even told them about the body oil fiasco that happened yesterday morning and the brothers were infuriated.
"I was gone for a day and Nana is already being targetted?" Wade gritted his teeth and smashed the shrimp ravioli on his plate.
Wayne then narrated about his confrontation with Lucille to Wade and they had a good laugh.
After their dinner, they went back to watching the restaurant, and unintentionally stumbled upon a very exciting visual.
"Wade, look! Reuben's out!" Wayne handed over the binoculars to Wade and pointed at the couple walking towards the other side of the car park.
"Is that Helen?" Wade chuckled when he saw the woman walking beside Reuben.
'Geez, she's changed a lot!' He thought of the innocent and geeky girl she once was.
"Yea, I told him that she's into him but that dolt never believed me. Now, look at where she invited him, the restaurant known as a good luck charm for first dates!" Wayne laughed at his friend's innocence.
"Is that the guy whom you want Lina to never meet?" Stacy strained her eyes to look at the tall man who covered the woman from her sight.
'I think I know why they want to keep him a secret from Nana, cause she would be all over him if she met him!' Stacy guessed and watched how he walked his date to her car.
"What a gentleman!" She praised him and turned to see her brothers.
'Idiots!' She rolled her eyes at them and picked up the vacant binoculars and looked back at him.
The twins had abandoned the binocs and were recording the entire scene with their phones.
'Wow, this camera is so worth the money I spent! Look at the clarity, I can even see his lazy frozen face in high-def!' Wayne zoomed in on Reuben's face and chuckled.
They watched as Reuben leaned on the car and waited for Helen.
"Shit!" Wade gasped.
"Damn that woman is feisty!" Stacy cheered her on.
"Uh-oh!" Wayne trembled.
'Why did she have to do that!?' He feared that Reuben might do something to her.
But his worries were for naught because it looked like Reuben just yelled at her furiously before he walked away.
"What's wrong with your friend? Such a hot woman is all over him and he pushes her away?" Stacy was shocked to see how he literally ran away from his date.
They continued watching him until he got in his car and then they finally put down their phones and binocs.
"I feel like I've got excellent blackmail material." Wayne looked at the video on his phone and smiled wickedly.
"I can finally get revenge for last time!" Wade gripped the phone hard and snickered.
"So you still haven't gotten over that bet huh?" Wayne patted his back and laughed thinking of the bet that Reuben and Wade had placed for Lina's store in Phoenix Mall.
"Would you get over it if you were in my place?" Wade pushed his hand away and frowned.
Wayne shuddered imagining what he would do if that had happened to him but his imagination was short-lived.
*Knock knock*
They heard someone knocking on their window and when they turned to see who it was, they saw a face that scared the living crap out of them.
'We're done for!' Wade and Wayne had the same thought while Stacy just ogled wide-eyed.