Prologue: The Beginning Of The End

In this world, the only thing that is know for certain, is that nothing is certain to happen. Humanity thought that they had conquered nature, when in fact nature could never be conquered. Even if humanity were to destroy the planet, the mother of all creatures would bring the world back into order, erasing the times of man from its surface. Humanity in its hubris built machines, harnessing the power of steam. They exploited and pillaged the land of it's resources, and farmed animals with cruelty. No more were the animals and humans living in a fair exchange, humanity had conquered all beasts that could be conquered and if the beasts could not be conquered it would be slayed mercilessly. The power of steam allowed them to build more advanced weaponry, although still in its primal state it was indeed lethal. They had produced weapons which worked, by using the force of steam to shoot a projectile out of a barrel, at incredible speeds. Granted the weapon could only be shot a few times before the steam would run out of it's canister, but that was more than enough to kill any who stood in its path. Weapons was not all that humanity had used steam for however, farmers would use machines powered by steam to create fields for which crops could be planted in. Those in positions of power, or fortunate enough would use a new contraption called an "engine". This contraption allowed for the heating of water in homes, without the need of slaves. It was not long before steam power had become apart of the average man's life in the ALAN alliance. It was through this, that an ingenious inventor was able to create light once the sun had set, it was called a "Luezoid". After a few years of technological innovation the alliance of ALAN became a dominating empire, they no longer needed sleep, they would always have light.


People are not born equal in this world, those who did not live in the great cities or in the territories of the great cities, were destined to a cruel life. They would be born in the wild, scavenging or hunting, the lucky ones were able to settle in homesteads and farm the lands, however, with the empires expanding their reach, the inhabitants of these homesteads would be enslaved, killed or sold to noble men or rich induvials. Those sold may have suffered a fate worse than death. Those who were born in the wild lands, were called Yaomme's, their name meaning, wild men of the dark. They knew what would happen if they were caught by the armies of the "civilized world", and so they retreated further into the forest, mountains, and deserts. In these harsh conditions the Yaomme's would have no choice but to dabble in the forbidden; dark magic, evil incantations, and antediluvian grimoires. Through this they were able to preform witch craft and summon lesser demons into the realm of man, this marked the first flag of doo.


The Yaomme's summoned these evil entities to protect themselves from the civilized world. As time past the demon's began to integrate themselves with the Yaomme. This allowwed them to become more profiecent in the casting of spells, they no longer needed grimoires, or incantations they would be able to imagine the spell they wanted to cast and it would appear. The Yaomme's hate towards the people in the alliance increased day by day, some Yaomme craved more power, to defeat the empire and in doing so they lost their humanity. Those who were succesfull in gaining more power and kept their humanity formed a group called "Ybviohem". This group was led by a man, who had lived for many decades, yet did not age a single day. He was a tall man fair in color, with orange eyes that glowed vividly in the dark. He had a tired face, a face who had seen everything there is to seen and learned everything there is to learn. He went by the name of Magi, for he had more wisdom and knowledge than any other warlock or witch on the planet. When he was a young boy, his family was killed by group of soldiers. The soldiers were sent by the Artzan Empire to expand and conquer. His mother and father both knew that the soldiers were coming to their hobble, yet they chose to stay, hoping that they could work something out, for they spent their entire lives, in their hobble, they farmed the land and rose animals, they had never harmed anyone. That thinking was foolish however, the Artzan empire's troop, cut the heads of the foolish Yaomme's all the while saying it was in the name of Artzo. The child just returning from an unsuccessful hunt, witnessed the head of his mother rolling on the ground, fresh blood spewing on the floor. The heads of his parents rolled on the ground lifless. Most of the soldiers did not laugh nor cry they too were victims of Artzo, they were Yaomme's. They had been enslaved and were promised freedom if they had served in the Artzan army, having no other choice they did what they had to. The boy just stared at his parents, silently sobbing and cursing himself for leaving nad not being able to portect them . Suddenly a soldier, not a Yaomme, but a citizen of the Artzan Empire, started laughing and spitting on the corpse of the fallen parents, he kicked their heads s as if it were a soccer ball. All the while cursing the Yaomme's for existing, with one last kick he sent the head of the woman into the forest and it rolled right underneath the boy. They boy stared at his mothers head with no emotion in his heart, all that was left was animosity. He realized then, justice is served to men, only by men, for the gods had abandoned this planet, and all its inhabitants with it.