End Of The World

After years of preparation and sacrifices, the Ybviohem's power had grown to an unprecedented rate, through the sacrifices of many Magi's the power of the Arch Magi's had become unstoppable, they continued to gain more knowledge in the occult, secret arts and dark magic, they craved knowledge just as the Empire craved power and land. After decades of preparation and the prospect of truly being free, not under the oppression of the Empire the Ybviohem's with the Yaomme's waged war against the Empire, although their technology and numbers weren't anywhere as large as the Empire's, with some luck and shear determination cracks had started to from in the Empires system, although small there were in dead many, the Ybviohem's wanted to destroy the Empire in not one large war, but by stabbing it a thousand times, letting it decay slowly and when it would be noticed it would be far too late. Decades passed since war was first waged and the Ybviohem's plans had worked, the senate of the Empire had been in a state of panic, farming villages they thought not vital to the Empire had been taken over and the food supplies although still large were dwindling at a considerable rate. The lack of new Yaomme slaves had also become another issue, their empire relied on their slaves, without them the empire could not support itself financially, nor did it have the man power.

The ruler Kriotis, was not befitting of the throne, generations of inbreeding had taken its toll on the royal family, the king was not fit to rule, mentally or physically, so the senate took it upon themselves to find a new king. Many of the senators did not agree with this, for they had served the royal family for their entire lives, so had their forefathers. There was a conflict of ideals and so the senate was in a state of disarray for quite some time indeed. It was not until a group of radical senators had begun killing those who still held loyalty to the royal family. The group killed the opposition one by one until none remained, they then banished the Kriotis and took over the Empire. This in turn caused a civil war to plague the Empire further weakening it and making it more vulnerable to attacks from the Ybviohem's.

Years passed and the civil war had begun to fizzle out, the Empire more broken, violent and impoverished then it had ever been in its millennia long history was on it's last legs. This was not the end of the empire however, a bastard of the King had risen from the decay and death and lead the Empire, attempting to rebuild it back to its days of glory, he had even attempted to make peace with the Ybviohem's and Yaomme's however discussions fell apart rather quickly after Zeke's eyes burned with anger, Krinos the new king realized that negotiations were not possible, that the sins of his forefathers could never be forgiven, knowing this he had no choice, he gathered as many men as he could, and marched against the Ybviohem's.

The war had raged on for 2 years before the New Empire begun to do some major progress, all those who were not able to fight, were expected to farm, build or work in any way. The Empires soldiers marched against the Ybviohem's and Yaomme's army each day taking more and more land back. Their technology was far too advanced to compete with their primitive opponents, although the familiars were strong, many specialized in close combat, and with the opposition having advanced long range weaponry the familiars were quite easy to defeat. When the war reached it's fifth year there was not much left of the Ybviohem's or Yaomme's they were desperate to win, they could not be enslaved or defeated once again, they had sacrificed too much, lost too much, they could not lose again. Zeke knowing it would not be long until they were defeated by Krinos had decided to use his trump card. While exploring ruins of the antediluvian world he had stumbled upon a book titled "Apocrypha Mortem", the book of death. He read through the ritual and began preparing the spell. It took hundreds of arch mages and a few months of work to set up the summoning circle all that was left was the sacrifices.

The sacrifices for this spell had to be human, for the beings that would be summoned craved the flesh and soul of man. Zeke gathered all the arch mages and Yaomme's left, brought them to the sacrificial summoning circle and began the ritual. As the arch mages and himself chanted the benevolent words, the wind had begun to pick up, the sky became dark and hell fire encompassed the circle. The Empire's forces were beginning to close in on them, they only had a matter of minutes before the Empire's force in full would arrive. They chanted louder, the wind becoming a raging torrent, it was loud enough to drown out the chants of the mages, the hell fire began to form a dome covering all but the center of the summoning circle, for a skylight was left there with a clear view of the blood red eclipsed moon, the heat reached an insufferable level, the skins of the Yaomme began to burn, the screams could be heard by the Empire's forces so they marched towards them. Just as they arrived, the wind had reached an unearthly speed, some Yaomme's were swept off their and flung out of the circle were the hell fire disintegrated them instantly. Krinos and his royal guard watched in disbelief, awe and horror as the chant continued amidst the fire and screams. Just then Zeke had uttered the final words needed for the ritual "Sorsin Mortis Deamon"

The wind had stopped and the fire retracted, the blood red moon had remained in the sky. It was silent, no screams, no yelps, no chants, not a single sound for what felt like an eon. Suddenly out of nothing it was heard, it was as if the planet itself was a machine and its gears had started turning again for the first time in a very long time. It was an ominous sound, one of death and new life, something that surely did not belong in this world or perhaps this plane of existence. The sound was followed by a huge tear in the sky, as if the sky had been split in half, then it began, the creatures started pouring in, first it was a few, but like a dam that had just opened they would not stop, Krinos looked in horror as the creatures began to devour his men, Zeke stared in awe and almost in a prideful way before the gravity of what he had done sunk in, he was alone all other had perished in the summoning, and perhaps all of mankind would perish as well. He was horrified.

The beasts kept coming, they devoured all men and creatures that breathed, they destroyed and ate an endless cycle. As time passed demons and creatures not of this realm began to enter Terra through the Rip. There numbers growing at a rapid rate, humanity had tried to unite and fight back the monsters who invaded their home, but it was too late, their numbers were too large, their strength incomparable to a human. As decades went by the population of man was reduced to a pitiful amount, the Rip's slow movement to the north had reached its end and the portal had shrunk considerably. Demons struggled to enter the world of man, but it was too late for humanity. The demons had crushed mankind, they established fragmented empires in the ruin of the old world and took pleasure in hunting humans. The demons knew that in a few decades mankind would be gone, and in their heart of hearts humans knew they would not have much longer. Humanity was always known to go off with a bang no matter what they did, however this time they would go out with a quiet whimper.