Four elements.

Little Li Wei blinked her eyes as she stared at her mother. "Mama, does that mean I will not be able to do the pottery?" She asked, her eyes showing the saddened expression of her heart. 

Usually, the little girl has never been such an emotional one but seeing her today like this, Li Xue knew the reason for it. Though the girl was not probing on the piano topic too much, in her heart she was still trying to find if she should go out with her friend to learn it or not. 

"Who says so?" Li Xue asked. Her fingers, moving to comb-caress her daughter's hair. "Mama can always teach you. Come, just choose the pattern you want to create and we will make it together". She said before pulling the girl to the gallery section to have a watch on the designs. 

The little girl looked around until her eyes caught onto something. Pulling hands up to point at it, she said, "Mama, that one looks simple and Daddy Angel says that starting should always be kept simple and easy".