A skilled potter at home.

"Perfect! Keep your hands light and follow the way my hands move." The mother said as she slowly guided her little to understand the art of life that was important in shaping her future and understanding. 

Little Li Wei's hands moved along with her mother's as they together moved the wheel to shape the vase they were making. Though Li Xue could not see her daughter's expression right at the moment, she could imagine how adorably focused she must be looking from the front. 

"WeiWei, do you know, this potter's wheel is like the life cycle that continues rotating and moving to make what we are in reality. Similar to the stage where we have to perform a lot of things … have to prove ourselves, not to others but to ourselves." She said as she took one hand of the girl to reach out the wheel to give it a little speed in movement. 

WeiWei nodded, notifying her mother that she understood the thing she was trying to say. Li Xue smiled as she continued.