Shoot her own leg.

Feng Yi Lan was at once flushed red when she realized where she went wrong. Her eyes blinked to hide her embarrassment, as her gaze darted to everywhere in the room but Qi Shuai. 

Looking her so red in fluster, Qi Shuai could not help but chuckle out at the turn of the events. Since the call was still ongoing on his phone, he thought to wrap it first before making it clear with the woman. 

Teasingly, Qi Shuai started, "Ohh my dear, BaoBao. You don't know how lucky I am and believe me I won't be able to give you the full story on the call. If you want to know it then better bring yourself here tomorrow to meet her. As you know, she is staying back in the hospital just to take care of me". He said as his eyes suggestively stared at the woman standing in front of him, before disconnecting the call