Your Nanny.

Gao Fan's expressions turned severe. Though they have already traced the things over the surface, he still had a feeling that many things were still earthed in the depths of their oblivion.

"President Feng, if you say we can talk to the European government for their cooperation. They will be more than willing …" After a long time the secretary said but his suggestion was left halfway when he got a gaze of disagreement from the man. He doesn't need to be told twice and he knows that he has to cease the train of his thoughts.

"There is no need to fuss over the useless. Investigate more and this time choose the outskirts of Caracas." Feng Shufen slightly guided. He has known his secretary better. None can be as meticulous as him but still sometimes people have limits. It was not late until and unless they had time to get back on the right track.