Hard to accept him like that.

Not after too long, soon, Jing Wei Jin's eyes spotted a bike stopping in front of his villa. His lips curled to give the faintest smile, knowing well that Li Xue was already there. "You can go now. Once I get in the mood to talk things with you, I will ask you here." He said coldly without even looking back at his brother. 

"But brother …" Jing Shaoqing tried but a glare from the man was enough to make him give up his stubbornness. Nodding, he turned and left the room. His fists clenched on his sides to suppress the anger he was feeling inside. But even the feeling of anger could not help him at the moment. Nothing was under his control. 

While he was on his way out, he saw a figure appearing with some aggressiveness. His steps halted as he paused to look up at the woman. This was his first time looking at her. Though the first glance was enough to entice him towards her beauty, the fire she held in her eyes was also enough to repel him to the farthest corner.