Calling chaos from all sides.

Jing Wei Jin's fingers clenched on the two glasses he was holding in his hands. Though there was still a smile over his lips, slowly and slowly paleness was creeping up upon his face as if something that he had feared in his life was on its edge of happening. 

He stared at Li Xue, indecisive about the things he should tell. "Li Xue, I have kept you and WeiWei away from these things. Do you really have to involve yourself in this?" Feeling almost defeated, he said, turning his back again towards her with the fear that if remained facing her for longer, things would get revealed sooner than was expected. 

"Heh! Kept me and WeiWei away? Are you sure of that?" Li Xue gave out a chuckle when heard him avoiding her question with those words. "I might believe you, Wei Jin but that never means that I have blind trust in you. Do you really think I don't know why you brought WeiWei here? Do you really think I don't know why you have called me here?"