Last day of his happy journey.

Making sure of the things, Li Xue soon gave a goodbye wave to everyone in the company. But her wave of hands never meant goodbye, rather it was a clear warning to everyone, letting them know that it was tough to bully the people around her. 

The indication was clear and people could get it all well. How can they not when the example that they have seen was so well explained?

Outside, Du Fan had long gone to ready the car while Li Xue took a slow walk with Xiao Meng following behind. The way was already silent and with the extra hushed attitude of the young assistant, it was reaching the peak of itchy tranquility. 

Li Xue could feel it well but she was allowing it, given the necessity that everyone should realize their mistake. Though Yuan Yuan did wrong, somewhere her young assistant was also wrong. And Li Xue knew that Meng Meng knew it as well. 

"Sister Xue, one second please!"