I have a duty to keep.

"Mama, is Xiao Fei really coming to our home this weekend? She was saying that yesterday, you have promised to invite her so that we can play together". Little Li Wei asked her mother, kneeling on the car seat while holding on Li Xue's arm to prevent herself from falling off. 

Li Xue looked at her excited daughter and shook her head internally. Though she wasn't jumping on the seat, it still looked like anytime she would start doing it. So to steady her first, Li Xe held her by her shoulders and then replied, "Watch yourself, sweetie. The car is moving, you may fall off". 

"Don't worry Mama. I am holding onto you. You will never let me fall. Now, please tell me, is Xiao Fei really coming to visit me?" The little girl said, shaking her head but then obediently settling herself on the seat.