The Special Gym

Rachel had brought me to a room that was hidden all the way at the back of the academy building.

"My family had specially paid for this area to become my personal gym." Or so she said.

She put her hand on a pad beside the door.

"By inputting your mana into this pad, the door will open up. Right now, only my mana and the Headmasters can activate it. If you want to use this place too, you will need to talk to the Headmaster but I can always bring you with me."

With a click, the door slid open. The lights that were supplied by mana had turned on when the door opened for us.

When I first saw lights in my dormitory room, I had recalled some information about the fundamental properties of mana. Mana was so to speak, a type of natural energy. Just like how you could create magic of different elements using mana, mana could have the same properties as electricity, heat, or cold. Mana with properties like electricity could be substituted as electrical energy. Of course, for mana to have a property/aura, it needs to be converted into that property by a person with a good control over mana. After reading the book at the library on the functions of mana, I now knew that one had to have Mana Sentience in order to bestow properties.

"Everything in this room was designed by me. You may not know how to use the equipment so ask me if you need help." She said proudly.

Entering the room, my first thought was how similar it was to the gyms back in my past life. There were actual dumbbells, bars, weights, and benches for bench presses. This was literally the prime example of a gym from my past life. As far as I knew, the 'gyms' in this world only had weaponry. In a sense, it couldn't even be considered a gym.

'Was she a reincarnator like me?'

Thinking that, I checked something else.

'System appraise her.'


Name: Rachel Azka

Race: Human

???: ???

Class: Dormant Prophet(Mythical)(Requirements not met)

Life Force: 100/100(10 years)

Strength: 72

Agility: 71

Mana: 60/60

Physique: Knight(Intermediate) - Lvl.7

Magic: Magic Apprentice(Expert) - Lvl.5

???: ???

Spells: Lvl.1 - Fire Manifestation, Light Manifestation, Ice Manifestation, Earth Manifestation

Techniques: Imperial Swordsmanship(Common-Lvl.2), Magic Circulation(Common-Lvl.6), Intuition(Lvl.Max), Mountain Shattering Art(Supreme-Lvl.8)

Active Skills: Blink(Epic), Heightened Senses(Rare)

Passive Skills: Scheming(Rare), Motivated(Rare), Incandescent(Epic)

Sealed Skills: Precognition(Godly), (Sealed)

Blessing: Incarnation of ???(???)


I looked over her status a couple times.

'Why were there so many question marks?'

It seems I will have to prioritize upgrading my True Dragon Eyes in the near future.

I didn't worry about it too much for now, after all, it's better to not be worried than to worry. And if she does turn out to be a reincarnator like me... Well, can we be considered friends?

I set my current goal as befriending Rachel since she seemed extremely strong. Like they say, birds of a feather flock together. Though I am probably considered average in terms of strength.

Anyway, Rachel left me to my own devices as if she knew I knew how to use the equipment.

She went over to her own corner and started doing what seemed to be a variation of push ups.

As I had a bit of experience as a gymnast back in my previous life, I used the same routine from back then.

First was a jumping ropes to warm up... There weren't any. I decided to warm my body up by performing burpees instead. Normally, if I couldn't jump ropes, I would have just ran in place or hop, but taking in consideration of the superhuman stamina my body has here compared to my previous life, I determined to do a more advanced exercise which was the burpees. They were also perfect for getting my body heated up.

Next, I went over the wall and tried to perform a handstand. As expected, even though I was able to easily perform a one-armed handstand in my past life, I wasn't able to properly hold a handstand even with wall assistance right off the bat. After all, the handstand was a type of acrobatic/calisthenic exercise that required you to be able to keep your balance on two hands.

Taking in consideration that I had gone ten years without doing actual exercises besides swinging a sword all day and running, it made sense that I couldn't do it immediately. I tried a couple more times and was able to stabilize myself on the wall.

Tightening my core(abdominal) muscles and breathing in and out, I started pushing up and down, full range of motion.

'1, 2, 3, 4... 17, 18... 32, 33, 34, 35... 56, 57, 58.'

I stopped at 58. I started twitching around 50 and 58, it seemed to be around my maximum rep range. As I had expected as well, the strength of the residents in this world far surpassed those in my previous world. I only had 32 points in strength yet I was able to perform a feat that most could not in my previous world.

Moving on, I went to the pull up bar. Instead of performing the traditional pull up, I kipped my legs slightly and swung my waist above the bar. This was a muscle up. Looks like I still had the touch.

I then moved myself into that so-called front lever hold. I had never actually done it before because in my past life, I only went to the gym a couple times a week and I really wasn't too dedicated.

I felt the tightness of my core and a slight pain on my lower back. It was pretty crazy, if a ten year old's body like mine has the strength to perform a front lever, I couldn't even imagine what heaven-defying strength those at a higher cultivation had.

—1 hour later—

Once I had finished evaluating my body, I felt a slight pain mostly on my core and my back. My upper body and lower body were mostly fine since practicing swordsmanship and footwork had those areas grow accustomed to strenuous activity.

Rachel was in the middle of a set so I left the room and went back to the dorms to take a nice hot shower.