
[System Notification: System update has finished]

[Gains: Strength +0.12]

[Does host need a rundown of the adjusted functions?]

I had just woken up and it looks like Robert and Sam were in the dorms as well. When I returned last night, they weren't there so I had assumed they were still training and fell asleep.

'Anyway, I wasn't informed that my system was updating again.'

[Through an analysis of the host's growth, it has been determined that the host is growing too slowly. Therefore, system has been adjusted to better suit the needs of host]

'What functions have been adjusted?'

[Merit Points can now be earned more efficiently. Records stat growth every day. Missions can be created by interacting with others. Some missions can be declined. Battle Mode has been completed. Technique Shop had been updated]

[System suggests host to take advantage of the system to its fullest]

Merit Points. When I heard that they could be earned more efficiently, my half-opened eyes had opened fully. Instead of getting off the bed, I continued to examine the adjusted system.

'What about gaining Merit Points have changed?'

[Whenever host enters Battle Mode, it is easier to gain points defeating opponents of a higher cultivation level. The chances of generating missions are higher. Merit Points can now be earned by upgrading the level of techniques. Rewards that include Merit Points can now be rewarded upon breaking through to another level]

Rewards; I had only gotten some rewards yet all of them helped me out greatly, especially the ones that rewarded coupons.

'In Battle Mode, does it count as a defeating people in sparring?'

[Killing grants a 2x multiplier. Normal sparring/fighting stays normal. Does host wish to view the Battle Mode's grading system?]



Difference(Physique+Magic), Opponent Type, Merit Points

-1 to -5, Mob, 100

0, Opponent, 150

1 to 3, Rival, 200

4 to 6, Semi-Boss, 500

7 to 10, Boss, 1000

11 to 20, Godly, 10000


I decided to fight as much as I could in Battle Class and spar later with Robert and Sam.

With that, I turned on the lights so the two would wake and left for class.

—Sam's PoV—

{Received: 50 Merit Points for trying to protect someone}

When I had awoken, Daniel had just left and Robert was still sleeping like a log.

'What are these Merit Points?'

{They are a type of karma granted for heroic actions}

'How do I use them?'

{They can not be used until you graduate the academy. It is recommended to save as much as possible}

It seems they were generally useless for now. What I was more worried about was the senior. What had happened to him? Last night, I woke up in the infirmary and carried Robert back with me to the dorms. It looks like the doctor had treated us somehow since all the previous bruises were gone.

I didn't know his name so I couldn't find out but I remember those junior delinquents saying he was the school's trash student or something.

Anyway, I shouted into Robert's ear which scared him off the bed and he crashed into the floor. At least he was awake now.

"Come on, get up or we'll be late for school." I told him.

"Alright, alright. Huh, weren't we at the field? What happened?"

"We were knocked out and brought to the infirmary. Then I brought you back here."

He looked confused; he probably wanted to ask what happened to the senior. As much as I wanted to tell him the aftermath, I didn't know either.

—Daniel's PoV—

Right now I was in a training room after classes. I had gained an additional 100 points during battle class but no matter how much I sparred with Sam and Robert, I wouldn't gain any because I kept losing. Due of that, I decided to go to the academy's actual gym since I couldn't find Rachel. The academy's gym was a long hall filled with training rooms. Going to the armory section, I decided to grab a spear instead of a sword.

I recalled earlier that another way to earn merit points was by upgrading techniques so I wanted to buy techniques from the shop and keep upgrading them to grind points. Entering the training room, I propped my spear on the wall and sat down.

'Open Technique Shop.'



Dragon Fist(Rare) - 50 mp

Draconic Swordsmanship(Rare) - 50 mp

Draconic Martial Arts(Rare) - 60 mp

Draconic Spearmanship(Epic) - 140 mp

Draconic Footwork(Legendary) - 7000 mp


The previous Swordsmanship and Marksmanship skill had been replaced by Draconic Spearmanship and Draconic Footwork.

With the two hundred merit points I had, I bought Draconic Spearmanship and Draconic Martial Arts since I already had a type of Swordsmanship.

[Received: Draconic Martial Arts(Rare), Draconic Spearmanship(Epic)]

I've never bought a technique before so I didn't know what to expect. Turns out, a type of knowledge is stored into my head. I thought about Draconic Spearmanship and I immediately imagined myself in a dark void performing spearmanship using a staff. It seems that I need to memorize those actions in order to actually learn the technique.

—2 hours later—

[Learned: Technique - Draconic Spearmanship(Epic), Draconic Martial Arts(Rare)]

I had finally assimilated techniques.

Getting off the floor, I did a couple burpees to warm up before performing Draconic Martial Arts. Draconic Martial Arts consisted of two forms: Assault and Destruction. Assault form was an aggressive style of fighting which corners and applies pressure on the opponent while Destruction was extremely risky. Why was it risky? In exchange for extreme strength, the body is put into many vulnerable positions. In short, it relied heavily on my body's sturdiness or else it would result in mutual destruction. If I wasn't able to finish my opponent with one move in Destruction form, it would allow them to easily counter me.

Draconic Spearmanship on the other hand, focused more on the basis of exploiting flaws in the opponent. If the opponent was too close, I would be able to easily pierce through them, while if they were further away, I could easily close the distance. In summary, the main strength of Draconic Spearmanship was countering. If you were a swordsman, you couldn't fight without getting close, so spears had the advantage. While if you were a spell caster, I could easily close the distance with how long the spear can reach.

—15 hours later—

[Due to the system, you level up techniques bought from the shop faster]

[Due to the affinity of dragons, you level up techniques related to dragons faster]

[Draconic Spearmanship(Epic) has reached level 4]

[Draconic Martial Arts(Rare) has reached level 5]

[Received: 900 Merit Points]

I earned 100 merit points for every level up. That included learning the technique.

My whole body was sticky and probably smelly as well. I looked over to my watch.

It looks like I had skipped dinner and it was around midnight right now.

I wasn't too surprised that I had trained for so long since I had always secretly trained my magic circulation at night since I was a kid. There was also that one time me and Sam sparred the whole night.

Anyway, I was satisfied with the amount of points I earned today so I went back to wash up and fell asleep.

[Gains: Strength: +1.67, Agility: +4.28]