Waiting Room

[Due to the growth boost, you learn Spells faster]

[Level 3 Darkness spell - Blinding Curse has been mastered]

I opened my eyes and what greeted me wasn't the sun, but a bit of dampness on my butt.

I placed my hand on my ass that was on the grassy field.

'Strange, this wasn't the feeling of wetting my pants.'

As I thought about how improbable it was for me to piss my pants while training, I got up from my lotus pose and saw I was actually sitting on a patch of grass. The dampness was probably from the dew on the grass so I erased my worry of having to wear diapers the next time I train.

I had been training the entire night and it was just about 5 in the morning right now. Students usually wake up around this time.

I had been busy mastering the Blinding Curse during the night. Since there were no targets, I cast the spell on myself to train it. While I was experiencing the pain of being a blind man, I had realized how much of a waste of time it was for me to just stand there doing nothing because I was blind.

My Blinding Curse could last up to an hour if you didn't proactively try to remove it. Blinding Curse was only a level 3 spell so it was easy to remove as long as you were also capable of casting spells of the same level.

The way this spell worked was by sending some type of dark mist into the eyes which blocks out any light. Not many people used it since the spell was too impractical; you had to touch the person's eye to actually cast it. Even then, as long as the purity of your mana was on par with a Beginner Magus, you could expel the curse(dark mist) in a minute, or in a matter of seconds if you have good mana control. The stronger someone's Darkness manifestation was, the harder it became to dispel and longer the curse could last.

Going back to my training, I decided to just sit down and Dual Cultivate while I was blind. Every hour, I would cast the spell again and resume cultivating my Fire and Darkness manifestations. I was a bit too obsessed with it since no matter how much I seemed to Dual Cultivate, the technique did not look like it was going to level up in any way.

Since my pants were completely drenched in the grassy dew, I went back to the dorms to wash up before going to the dining hall for breakfast.

—9 hours later—

I came out of one of those dirty public bathrooms on the campus. It was just after lunch so I went to the nearest public bathroom building instead of the academy's bathroom to switch into my hoodie. Coming out of the Wizarding Academy's bathroom dressed in black would make me look like a spy or something and I wanted to avoid that awkward situation from happening.

As I walked around trying to not act like a thug with a hood, I noticed how there were many more people wandering around the campus compared to yesterday. They were probably here to watch the Magic Tournament. I looked at the time on my watch which revealed it was exactly 2 pm so I hurried over to the stadium situated at the far corner of the campus. When I arrived, the ticket booth and giant entrance was already packed with visitors so I headed over to the small entrance in the back.

The same guy who managed the registration booth yesterday was standing there at the entrance. I showed him the the card from yesterday and he nodded while opening the door for me.

"Head straight down to the waiting room." He told me.

I went through the doors and headed down the narrow hallway.

'Staff Room, Stairs, Control Room.' I looked at the signs plastered on the doors I walked past.

At the very end of the hallway, was a door without a lock. On the sign painted in bright green characters, read, 'Waiting Room.'

I opened the doors which made an annoying screeching sound that alerted the people in the room.

—Melissa's PoV—

The waiting room was really crowded here. Even though it should be considered a lounge, everywhere I sat, some guys tried to get close to me so I opted to stay standing.

I stayed at the corner where the entrance doors were situated since there was only room for one to stand here. If someone came in through the right door, the door would probably hit me which I would rather have than some scoundrels flirting with me.

As I glared at the others in the room, I counted how many participants were students. In total, there were about 180 students from this academy here. There were about 1000 participants in this room right now.

I heard a loud screech in my ear the next moment which made me instinctively put my hands up to cover my ears and cast a spell in that direction. I was too used to some retarded guy making strange noises toward me trying to catch my attention. People knew I had sensitive ears yet they still did such stupid things just to see me react.

"Excuse me?" I heard a raspy voice next to me.

The waiting room became silent as everyone looked over. I turned my head over to see what happened. The door had opened on the left side and someone dressed in complete black looked at me. He had a hood on and it didn't seem like he was wearing a mask yet his face was masked by complete darkness.

I squinted my eyes to see if I could somehow make out a chin line or something but it was empty. It was like I was staring into an eternal void, like how the abyss stares back. Even if a light orb was shoved into this person's face, I could bet it would still be shrouded in darkness.

*Cough* "Why did you do that?" He tried to ease the atmosphere and ask me once again.

"Do what?"

"The Wind Blade..."

Only then did I recall that I had instinctively cast a Wind Blade in his direction. I usually only used this spell when people annoyed me since it was the weakest spell I had; the most damage it could possibly do was leave a cut.

I looked at the person who did not seem to have a single cut, dent, or even any marks on his clothes. Not many people could fend of my magic even if it weren't a surprise attack...

I snapped out of my shock and bowed, "I'm sorry! It was by accident!"

He turned forward and left immediately showing that he didn't really care and didn't want to make a huge scene.

I was kind of surprised since any guy would take advantage of me apologizing and flirt with me. I even thought he was a girl but when I saw how flat his chest was, I could tell he was definitely a guy.

I looked around for him but he seemed to have vanished from the Waiting Room somehow.

"Bzzzz! Testing, 1, 2, 3. Testing, testing." A sound came from the strange machine in the middle of the room. Everyone left it alone at first since it wasn't a chair so it was most likely something they weren't supposed to touch.

"Welcome everyone to the 6th Annual Magic Tournament here at the Wizarding Academy! Will all the participants please make their way out onto the field!"