Elimination Field

When I heard the announcement from the speaker box, I stayed put at my spot and waited for everyone else to leave first. I didn't question why there was a speaker box in this world or how it even worked since magic was magic. I had already gotten used to the logic of this world. If you can't explain an invention, just say magic.

When I couldn't hear anymore footsteps in the Waiting Room, I opened the bathroom door I was hiding in and walked to the exit that led to the stadium arena. I didn't know why but my instinct is telling me to be as discrete and hidden as possible.

Maybe it was the sensation of being in a disguise. To be completely honest, I was kind of yearning to be a mysterious and cool villain turned hero character in those power ranger shows I watched as a toddler in my past life.

I walked through the giant halls that lead to the stadium arena. As I neared the end, I could hear the cheering from the audience getting louder and louder.

I exited the tunnel-like hall and saw everyone spread out on the giant oval arena. In this kind of situation, I would normally be shy or nervous, but I wasn't. Was it because no one could recognize me? Or was it because I had changed since living in this world?

I could still remember those high school days when I had to play the piano in front of the whole school as a participant in the talent show. At that time, I felt stressed that I wouldn't be able to live up to the audience's expectations. What was that feeling again? Anxiety. Yes, it was Anxiety.

The current me, did not feel anything. I was free from anxiety. I didn't know if it were a good thing or a bad thing, but either way, it doesn't change my goal. I had to win.

I perked my ears and listened to the speakers attached onto the walls of the stadium.

"The first event will be the Elimination Field! There are about a thousand participants here so we will have to narrow it down."

"For this event and only this event, you may use your physical power to beat others up. When you are knocked unconscious or unable to move, the card that was given to you all when registering will dissipate and heal as well as teleport you to an empty audience seat."

"Use everything to your advantage here! No weapons are allowed, only your body and magic! This is a Magic Tournament after all! When the number drops down to 50, the official tournament part will start. This is your host, Crankenstein Junior, Out!" The speaker boxes buzzed and stopped talking.

The moment it stopped, everyone went wild and started attacking others. The surprising thing was that no one was coming toward me. Did this hoodie have an invisible function too? I walked around watching the fights up close.

Some of them were fair one-on-one while others were more like one-on-five. Almost all the time, the person getting ganged up on would lose but there were some who actually defeated a whole group with ease. These were the people I took closer attention to since I may face them later on.

I walked around for a good half an hour without anyone targeting me. It was getting pretty boring so I went over to the corner of the arena and took a seat on the smooth stone floor. The reason no one came to me looking for trouble could either be magic, or my overpowered plot armor. It was probably magic since Sam was supposed to be the hero, or the main character of this world.

I laid down on the smooth floor and ruminated on whether or not side characters also had plot armor. As I was deep in thought someone came up to me and sat down next to me.

"What are you doing?" said a feminine voice.

I looked up and saw Melissa sitting next to me.

"I'm trying to sleep, why did you come to disturb me? Are you still feeling guilty about before? Just leave me alone." I said.

"Well no one wants to fight me either so I came over here."

I stared at her. 'This bastard seriously doesn't know what she's doing. If all those horny guys see me with you, they will all gang up on me.'

I had been watching everyone for a while so I knew why no one was fighting her. Every time someone came to fight her, a group of students came out of nowhere fighting them off. That was probably her fan club that worshiped her like a goddess.

A group of six came over to us. It looked like Melissa's fan club had all been eliminated.

"Hey sexy, you wanna spend the night with us?" one of them said.

Meanwhile, I was questioning the biological functions of males in this world. 'Weren't these kids 12 or 13 at most? How can they even get it up? In the first place, how do they even know about s*x? Last I checked, there's no sex education here.'

"Oh, ain't this the one who survived the magic of the princess? Everyone be talkin' about ya'. They all afraid of ya' but we ain't." The smallest of the bunch said. He was as short as a first grader yet he talks like an actual gangster. And what's this about a princess?

What he said did make sense though. If everyone was afraid of me, it would explain why no one picked a fight with me. What I didn't understand was how they were intimidated by me surviving a Wind Blade. Were they all retarded? It was only a level 2 spell.

I had experience in how air manipulation works and the Wind Blade was pretty similar to the air blade the sweeping technique created. All I did was create a countering sweeping motion with my arm which dispersed the Wind Blade.

Ever since the piercing and sweeping technique were converted to spear arts, they became easier for me to use and I was able to comprehend the fundamentals behind how air moves. I could now create a sweeping air blade with my arms or legs instead of using a sword or a spear. It was definitely a lot harder and much weaker than the ones made by the spear, but it was still strong regardless. If everyone was scared by that simple act, I didn't know what to say.