Formation Masters

After 30 minutes of wandering around aimlessly, I returned to the group. Everyone else seemed to be happy that they were able to watch professionals do their jobs; what was so special about it?

I got bored of it 10 minutes in since it was really just science experiments with magic as a variable. Besides, the things they were experimenting were on topics I had yet to grasp an understanding of. Even if I was intent on learning something out of it, I doubt it would serve a purpose to me other than taking up valuable brain space.

We entered the elevator and in a short moment, the doors opened at floor 40.

Exiting the elevator, Fin started briefing us about the next activity.

"On this floor, you will be learning about the many different types of formations and the methods to distinguish them. I have invited a guest speaker to guide everyone through the Hall of Formations and the next activity. He should be arriving any moment now."

Just as he said that, the elevator doors behind us opened again and out came a bald man with a well groomed beard. The beard was mostly black but it also retained its natural grey tinge, a sign of the times. It could be paired with any facial expression and it would still radiate an air of profoundness. He may have lacked a mustache and a hairline, but his beard more than made up for the lacking facial hair. It was a beard worthy enough to be mentioned several times in a paragraph.

"Ha, speak of the devil. Everyone, this man here is a level 6 Formation Master. He is one of the best Formation Masters of the tower." Fin said reverently.

"That is right, you can all call me Formation Master Wade. You may go Fin, I will take care of them from here on out." Formation Master Wade said.

Fin took a bow and left silently. As a part timer in my previous life, I could tell that was the kind of respect you would only show to a superior. Wade was definitely a big figure in the Wizard's Tower.

"Alright then, before anything else, does anyone here know what a Formation Master is?" He raised the question.

Almost everyone raised their hands since this was something we all learned in Formation Magic Class.

"You with the shiny forehead." He pointed at a guy with a bald cut fade.

"Yes, a Formation Master is someone who has mastered the art of creating formations."

"Close, but you are missing a lot." He said in response to the answer.

"A Formation Master isn't just someone who can create formations. Any magician who has dabbled in formations a bit can create them. Does that make them Formation Masters as well? No. So what differentiates a Formation Master from every other magic occupation?" He said.

"A Formation Master is known for their ability to be flexible and knowledgeable about formations. So what if you can create a formation? Can you also control how big, small, powerful, or weak it is? A Formation Master has the ability to modify formations to their will. They control formations. They dictate the extent of what can be called a formation. To be a Formation Master is not a simple memory game of this formation and that formation. To be a Formation Master is to dedicate your life to comprehending formations. Only by having a higher comprehension of formations, will you be able to disable and enhance formations. Learning the fundamentals are only the first step." He paused and looked at everyone.

"So what can a Formation Master do? As I said previously, they can enhance and disable all types of formations to their will. They can even combine multiple formations together once they reach a certain level of understanding."

"Anyway, let us get onto formations. I'm sure most of you are only here to see some cool formations in action. For those of you who truly wish to pursue the path to become a Formation Master, think carefully. Being a Formation Master is a way of life. It is not just a job, but a duty." He ended it there and started walking away.

Almost everyone was contemplating on the things he just said in his mini speech and forgot to follow him. Only after Professor Alice reminded them, did they start moving. I too became more eager to learn formations. Wasn't becoming an excellent Formation Master another path for me to succeed?

From what I could recall in class, Formation Masters are most known for their formations as well as the items they augment. Formation Masters are a rare occupation in the three kingdoms which makes the items they augment even rarer. What augment means, is to transcribe a formation onto an item. Through augmentation, the formations are ultimately enhancing the effects or maybe even adding new effects onto the object. For example, an augmented arrow could have the ability to penetrate through metals or even be lit on fire by itself. They could make a ludicrous sum of money just from augmenting a single thing. That was also why they were so prestigious and well respected. Despite how prosperous it was, to become a Formation Master, you had to pass a test issued by the Formation Master Pavilion. It wasn't even a joke to say that the tests were near impossible for the average magician. That was also why the amount of currently existing Formation Masters were limited to the hundreds.

As for whether or not I was going to become a Formation Master in the future, it was definitely a good alternative to achieving my goal.

I halted my thoughts and went along with the class. Upon passing the two doors with "Hall of Formations" labeled on them, Formation Master Wade was already waiting for us to catch up.

Looking down the hall, it was as the name suggested. There were formations drawn alongside the big hallways. Looking all the way down, I could tell it was definitely longer than the width of the tower. Everyone else looked down the hall like I did, probably thinking the same.

Formation Master Wade looked back and gave a chuckle. "Hehe, amazing ain't it? The Hall of Formations is a separate dimension in and of itself. The doors were actually a type of spacial formation that acted as a gateway to this dimension."