Epilogue: Nightmare


I crashed down the stairs, falling head first on the grey carpet.

'It hurts.'

It wasn't just my head that was in pain, it was also my arms, my legs, my torso...and my heart. Squirming in pain, I was able to catch a glance at the person. He was so far away, all the way at the top.

'Who was he again? I can't seem to...' Everything started blurring out. The only color in my vision was the color of red.


My whole body was sore and no longer in pain. Opening my eyes, I met face to face with white... The ceiling, yes, it was the ceiling that had a chandelier on it... The what?

My head started hurting.

'Was my room's ceiling always so white?'

I looked around until I laid my eyes on the window, specifically the tree outside of it. Confusion was all I could feel. That person was there, sitting on top of the tree, watching me. Again.

My confusion was replaced by a bout of nostalgia, then more confusion.

'Who...' Before I could finish that thought, I started coughing out blood? It was colorless, almost like wat...


"Oho, this should be the final modification."

I heard a voice.

"With this, the prototype should be finished."

'Where were my eyes?'

"Perfect, we can send him to the academy now."

That deep and masculine voice sounded awfully familiar. Who was it...


My whole body was sore and no longer in pain. Opening my eyes, I met face to face with white... The ceiling, yes, it was the ceiling that had a chandelier on it... The what?

My head started hurting.

'Was my room's ceiling always so white?'

My eyes wandered around the room until I found something strange. Focusing my vision on the beautiful artwork, I noticed a particular thing that seemed much too abnormal. Confusion and nostalgia hit me when I noticed it. There, on top of the cloud, was a man.

My hands started burning for no apparent reason. I looked down at the white bed I was on and at my hands. There was no fire, but there was red. It was blood. Why was there blood? Thinking that, I moved my right hand in front of my face to see it better. Why was my vision so...blurry?

I looked at my palm which was completely covered in blood. I couldn't seem to...

Take my eyes off it...

"Rise and Shine!"


I opened my eyes upon hearing that familiar voice. Whose voice was it? Yes, it was the voice of my friend, Daniel.

The bright sun hit my eyes which slightly annoyed me. Every time the sun hit my eyes...I would see red.

I rubbed my eyes and looked at Daniel and Sam who were already up.

"You guys go on ahead, I feel a bit tired today." I told them.

I was still confused. Were those dreams? Or were they memories? A part of my brain said dreams, and the other said memories. I didn't know what to make of it. What did I see again? A white room...and a man. What man?

No, he looked familiar. I must have seen him somewhere before. I tried to recall his appearance but the only thing I remembered was a blurry head and a red suit. A red suit... Red... What did it mean...

"Alright, you want me to get the doctor in case you're down with something?" I heard a voice in the background which brought me back. It was Daniel.

"It's fine Daniel. He's probably stressed about the Midterms. Just let him sleep in for a bit. I'll save some breakfast for him." Said another voice. That must have been Sam. How considerate he was to save me some breakfast...

I threw the blanket over my head and cuddled my knees. I didn't know why, but I felt really down for some reason. What was it that I was thinking about again? I started zoning out.

"Everything's fine, let's go." His voice awoke me yet again.

'Why did I feel so absentminded today?' I thought.

Daniel and Sam... They were good friends. In a way, they were my first friends... But why do I feel so distant now? It began with Daniel when he decided to spend most of his time in the training rooms... Was he really? I thought Sam would stay with me to the end... But why did he also leave to train elsewhere? Was I really that unlikable? Should I have let him win a couple times when we were sparring? I just didn't understand. What was my mistake?