
Experience is the key to success. And for a certain forgotten person, that was exactly what she had.


A cluster of rocks tumbled down like lost tumbleweeds and fell into the gaping hole of the abyss, an abyss that could swallow you whole.

Had you asked anyone else to do this, they would escape in earnest. Yet here this child was, braving through to the end, not caring for the painful blisters and bloody calluses that had formed on her hands. Some may call her foolish or mental, for they had no idea what she was up to. As for what the person in question was thinking...

'Almost there.' Lizzy thought as she steadily made her way down the cliff.

Some spectator out there will probably raise the stupid question of why she was trying to descend into nature's butt crack, also known as a ravine, when you can just fly down there with magic. Glad you asked! Well, if it wasn't obvious enough, the dumbass in question was somehow incapable of flying despite, I don't know, maybe being the reincarnation of some mystical being. Surely, a being of that caliber would possess the ability of flight, but it looks like the textbooks were all wrong.

Thinking there was a sturdy platform just below her feet, Lizzy dropped both feet in between the gap only for the ledge to suddenly crumble. She was startled and almost fell, but luckily for her, the ledge that her hands held onto did not break.

'F*cking h*ll. Why did my past self have to set a spell locking formation here.'

With both legs dangling in the air, her hardened grip on the ledge was slowly breaking away at it. If her estimations were correct, the ledge would break any second now.

Instead of scanning her sides for possible holds, she looked straight down into the chasm void of light.

'An eighth should be enough with my current physique.' She thought.

By eighth, the crazy girl was referring to how she was about seven parts down the cliff already. Without batting an eye, she kicked off the cliff and dove straight down. One should know that she was falling from about hundred metres in the air. No normal human body should be capable of absorbing the shock from crashing to the ground at 40 metres per second. If anything, the moment she touched the ground would be when she splat everywhere, dyeing the surroundings red. When falling at such a velocity, the human body was no different from a tomato.

It only took a second or two for her to be shrouded in the darkness as she reached the deepest parts of the ravine.


With her arrival, the stream of water was cut off and blown into the air. That's right, out of all the things, she had water to cushion her dive. Although its technical term was stream, it was more of a lake since the depth of the water could not even begin to be fathomed. The reason the bottom of the ravine was so dark, was because it was all water... Hold on, is this a ravine or a canyon, or perhaps something else entirely? Anyway, what she did just now still defied the the physical laws of the world since falling at such a height even in water, was still the same as smashing into a brick. It was like a belly flop except a million times more painful—and thing is, it's lethal. Is the author really going to dismiss this on the prefix of a strong physique? Why is she swimming down? Even then, how the h*ll is she still holding her breath for so long? If it were me, I would have suffocated in mere seconds. And how can she keep her eyes open in water? Guh...

F*ck this narration job. I don't get paid enough to narrate a crappy story like this. Roll Plan B!

—Lizzy's PoV—

'Almost there.' I continued swimming down using as much strength I had to push myself.

Amidst the darkness was a dimly lit formation. It must have reacted upon sensing a living being's presence, in other words, me.

As I reached out to it, the water suddenly lifted me upward.

I immediately responded by letting out all the air in my lungs so I could stay submerged. Now, I started to sink, but this level of sinking was too slow and I would pass out before reaching the formation.

Spreading my two arms out above my head, I formed a Y-pose with my body and started propelling myself forward through the water by pushing the water away and behind me. There was water in my nose, but I kept it out of my throat with just enough breathing pressure so it wouldn't flood into my body. It was a necessary technique to apply when swimming with nostrils facing the surface of the water, in other words, upside down. The water should be very dirty.

'Almost there.' I kept the goal in my head as I put my hand on the formation.

As I input my mana into the formation engraved in the bedrock, it started to shine a whitish-blue, reminiscent of blue ice. A beautiful color it was.

If what I was looking for was still there, then there was no need to go back. I must take hold of my power.

—Daniel's PoV—

This was definitely an 'internship.' A more accurate and truthful term would be labor, plain old labor. For me at least.

I don't know what the other two were doing but Scarlet specifically forced me to clean up the "old" workshop, whatever this place was. Did they not have janitors here or something?

Scratching my head, I figured I should just get it done. It was better to do something than to not do it. I closed the gate behind me which was really just a garage door. This workshop was its own little building separate from the Wizard's Tower which was pretty neat. It was situated in the restricted storage area of the Wizard's Tower which was in another dimension. Just by looking around outside, you could see a bunch of warehouses clumped together in every direction.