
The workshop itself gave off a sort of vibe that I found quite comfortable. Despite the dust covering everything, I could tell the walls and floor were naturally grey in color. There were several large structures that were just set up around the place, covered by what seemed to be a cover of some sort: possibly to keep the things underneath clean.

I pressed a button on the small vacuum cleaner which Scarlet gave to me. Although it was a vacuum cleaner, a lot of things about it were off. Instead of a tube or any storage for the debris, there was a dark floating orb inside the canister which I would imagine acted like a black hole that sucked things in. This handheld vacuum cleaner looked like one of those sci-fi guns you'd find in a first person shooter game.

Disposing those meaningless thoughts, I put myself in a working mindset and held the gun in hand, ready to suck everything clean... Was this how the ghostbusters felt when they got ready to blast proton streams at ghosts?

—1 hour later—

'Nice.' The place was now sparkly clean(not really). I could really get addicted to the feeling of being a nagging mother who does all the chores.

With the vacuum cleaning gun, I didn't have to empty out any garbage and all I needed to do was suck all the dust and debris up. I did wonder where all the garbage went when it was sucked into the black orb though. Did it send it to another dimension? Well, I was already in a dimension so would it be a dimension in a dimension? Damn, I'm confusing myself again. It's probably something similar to how storage rings work.

With that said, there were only a bunch of structures with covers over them now. I went over to the biggest one and pulled off the covers to reveal—a metallic monument of some kind? Wait, no. There were buttons here and one of them read start. Considering that this place was a workshop, I would presume it was a machine of some sort. Indeed, there did seem to be thick wires that connected it to the wall. All the other covered structures also had wires connecting to the wall which was probably where they got their energy source. Was it electricity or was it some magic powered machine? That, I did not know.

Moving to the next structure which happened to be at the direct center, I noticed that this structure had a bunch of wires coming from every direction. Heck, there was even a pipe coming from the ceiling. Pulling off the cover revealed an empty box thing that had two openings directly opposite of each other. There were also two bricks present on each side which I would speculate to be used as doors to cover the two openings. Inside the box was a formation that was really messy yet intricate at the same time

The next structure was situated near the entrance of the workshop and was relatively small compared to the last two. Pulling the cover off revealed something that I was actually familiar with. Something I would have never seen in my previous life outside of video games. It was the thing that represented blacksmiths, an anvil with a noticeable horn coming off from one side. The only thing offsetting about it was how it was covered in rust. Knowing there was an anvil here, it didn't take me more than a second to figure that this was that type of "workshop."

Going around, I proceeded to take off the covers one by one and set them aside on a table. Each and every structure revealed a different machine or object. One of them was a cart that held all different kinds of tools like a hammer or a chisel. Looking at the clock, an hour or so should have passed since I started cleaning. Remembering what Scarlet said to do, I went outside the workshop and was about to wait for them at the entrance of the portal that led to this dimension when I noticed three people coming out of a nearby warehouse.

"Oh, you're done already? Great. Let's get started." Scarlet said entering the Workshop with a bunch of thick metal rods in hand. Rachel and Melissa followed suit carrying a bunch of shorter metal rods.

After dropping off the metal rods on a rack, Scarlet went to the box thing in the middle and twisted some nozzles on the pipe as well as another nozzle on the ground. She closed the two openings with the bricks like I had expected before bringing the tool cart over to the anvil. Grabbing a thin and fragile looking brush, she started scrubbing the rust off the anvil's surface.

After a good while of scrubbing, she took a couple shorter and smaller rods and shoved them halfway into the box. From what I could make out, there was a pure white flame inside with a tinge of blue near the edges.

'So it was a forge.'

She then took three pairs of glasses which were probably for protection purposes and tossed them at us. She herself did not wear one.

The metal rods had only been in the forge for a couple seconds but when she took them out, they were already a bright orange yellow color. She only took one of them out and held it by hand on the side that wasn't heated.

"Watch closely." She said, facing us with the rod in her right hand like a lightsaber.

I didn't know what was going on, but the heated parts were slowly letting out steam as if it had been submerged in water. It only took a couple seconds before it returned to its initial state.

"Here, feel it." She pointed the rod in our direction.

The three of us put our pointer fingers on the rod and to be frank, it felt like a normal metal rod. It wasn't hot nor was it cold. It was just, room temperature? Not too sure how else to describe it.

"This, is called Reinforcement."