The Hyperloop

Eva wakes up and goes to the kitchen, she meets john who is sitting at the table eating while working on daily plan, he sees Eva and says "good morning, how was your sleep, and do you want something to eat?".

"I slept great, I can manage myself I already know how to use your food machine, now tell me when you will take me on the trip to explore your dimension?", Eva replies.

John answers "today I have several meetings and stuff to do, but I think tomorrow I could take you in a earth and the sol colonies tour and I will make sure 'the explorer' will be ready and I take you to the colonies and even meeting some alien Races in something like three days from now".

"so, what I can do today, I saw the city but I want to see more.", Eva asks with curiosity.

"go explore your hometown and MIT in this earth, maybe see if your family exist here in some form or another, when I visited another earth I always did it, found out that in some my family doesn��t exist, in a another I was born a girl and in a third I was a book author, I know that victor can find out this by himself, but the interesting part is to see it by yourself, I got a very interesting discussion with author self, and found out that a small thing like turning right in stand to left can lead to very different outcome", john offers.

Eva takes john offer; she goes back to her room to get ready while john is on his way to the federation congress building.

"victor take me first to my home town I want to see it."

Eva goes outside and picked out by an autonomous car with a sign 'sky city hyperloop hub', she sits in her assigned seat and continue to use her holo-watch to make plans for the day".

Eva arrives to the hub and sees Infront of her a Huge building with transparent tubes going inside the building transporting inside them people in some sort of a wingless plane shaped craft (the craft itself called a cart).

She enters the hub and an AI hologram greets her, "hello miss walk, I see that you have a ride to your hometown Buffalo, New York, United States of America, you need to get to gate E there your cart will wait for you, have a pleasant ride!".

Eva goes through the hub, she sees a lot of gates and city names above them like: London ,Sidney, New-York and more, then she spots gate E and above it a sign Buffalo, she enters the gate and their her cart is waiting to her, an attended is standing near the carts door, "hello Ms' I see that your assignat seat is number A-1 please enter the cart", Eva enters the cart sees that the cart insides are of a size of a small plane and has inside it, eight couch like seats and a toilet and a small kitchen.

Eva seats at her seat and after that 3 more people enter the cart, and the door closes and then she hears an announcement, "dear passengers this carts route is from sky-city, federal governmental district to Buffalo, New York, United States of America, the trip time is 95 minutes, we ask you to buckle in your seat for the acceleration, we wish you all a pleasant ride and a good day".

Eva buckle to her seat and then she start to fill the acceleration of the cart, she looks at the screen in the front of the cart and looks at the speedometer, she amazed how fast they go, Mach one, Mach two, Mach three, Mach four and then the cart stops accelerating at Mach five, now she understands what john meant when he said that you can go to other side of the world in less of three hours".

She decides to get some rest, and she wakes up, ten minutes before arrival, she looks through the screen to look on the outside and sees familiar but different landscape.

She feels the cart slowing down, and a message is announced, "dear passenger's in five minutes we will arrive to our destination, please keep at your seats until full stop, and don't forget you belonginess, thank you and have a pleasant day".