A warning shot

"victor set course to Valhalla", john commands victor while in the elevator to the command deck.

Eva and john enter the command room; they look at Orenia for the last time before activating the warp drive.

"Eva, today you witnessed history, it is the first time for a long time that two civilizations in my milky way made a pact like this one, you see in your galaxy most civilizations are equal in power more or less, both in mine because of the inter-racial suspicion and lack of trust, caused by the Grey and Lomonian, not a single civilization wanted to trust another, but the Orenian are good people, I know from the historic records from across the galaxy the helped a lot of new civilization to stay from the eyes of the Grey and other hostiles in the galaxy, but if my life showed me something is that two are better than the one, now the Grey and Lomonian will think twice before attacking us"' john says to Eva with excitement.

Eva looks at john after Lomonia disappeared from the view, "and what is more interesting your galaxy civilizations that the only thing similar is that human exist here, I looked for the planets of my dimensions and or their solar system doesn't exist or their planet themselves are very hostile or different", Eva says with wonder.

"And that is a universe with the same physics laws, there are infinite number of dimensions, and possibilities, I traveled only in a few dozens of them and I felt amazed, now if we talking about dimensions, let's check yours", john replies.

John opens a hologram showcasing the state of Eva's earth and then notice something, "victor, check this area for clocked ships and engage with one of the scouts".

"sir the scans show that it is some kind of clocked ship, what you want to do", Victor says.

"fire warning missile, and send a message commanding to identify and if they resist destroy the ship", john commands.

Above Eva earth one of john's scouts' fires a warning missile towards the clocked ship and sends an identification request, then john victor alerts john, there is a panic in the earth command room, I am opening the channel to the president.

The channel opens and the president talks "of course it was you, who else in this goddam galaxy could, find a clocked ship, it is one of ours it is a prototype, so please don't blow up this pure pilot, you scared him pretty much".

"why didn't you update me that you are building clocking spacecraft, you have luck I saw it before my automated system recognized it, because if destroys first and after that ask questions, and don't worry my scouts will hold fire", john says to the president.

"it was a secret project, only today they showcased the prototype in space, for us it was a success none of our systems saw the ship, but I see yours tracked very easily the ship", the president replies.

"those are the advantages of AI, also I myself designed the prototype of a clocking fifteen years ago in my earth time"' john says with a smile.

"so how is Eva, Neal told me she is visiting your dimension"' the president asks.

Eva answers " doing great, I saw things that we only dream in our earth, and I will share everything when we will come back".

"good to see you Eva, now I need to clean the mess john made in my command room, see you both soon", and the president closes the channel.

Eva looks at john "poor test pilot, I am pretty sure you scared him to the bones, and also the rest of the commanding room of that test", Eva says.

"it least we know that my scouts are ready for surprises, now if we can go to a little spa time, the high gravity of Orenia made my muscle stiff", and Eva and john go to the spa to relax and rest for their upcoming journey back to Valhalla and earth", john replies.

Meanwhile in the UEG presidential command room, "is that was the one that defatted the Zang?" ask one of the generals,

And the president answers "yes, he saw that ship as clear as daylight, I want that ship clocking upgraded and tell the engineers and test pilot it was our ship that fired those missiles by false identification, it least we know that he has the capability to find other clocked ships, now can someone update me if we got any progress on our other projects".