Colonial politics

After five days of travel 'The Alpha', reaches Valhalla system, "as you know Valhalla in a new colony, this is a colony of people from all across northern Europe, Slaves, German, English and Nord, currently they have only 35 thousand colonists but they growing rapidly, it is expected that within a year the colony will hold more than a million now it is has a colony status it will be easier to people to immigrate to Valhalla."

Eva asks "what the difference between a colony and an outpost?"

"outpost can't sustain itself and doesn't have population bigger than 20 thousand residents, sustainability is something that take to get several years after first colonization, so most of the first residents are people like geo-scientists, bio-engineers, exobiology's, infrastructure-planners and all other sorts of people that can help to build the foundation for a colony, and after an outpost can sustain itself and gets more than 20 thousand residents it get upgraded to a colony status and now everyone can go colonize it".

"and why I heard that each colony is having people from certain parts of earth, why not to combine them?".

"order, I am trying slowly to make more and more people from different parts of earth to immigrate to different colonies, but for now it is easier to make sectorial colonies, still I have some colonies that consist from people from all around earth like Moon, mars and Einstein but for now my target is to get how many people I can get from earth, I want to reach to even number of people on earth and in the colonies, it will also will make it easier to fix earth global warming problem".

"I see, in my earth except the struggle to get a permit to settle the colonies outside Sol system, most people wont seek leaving earth because they don't know what type of people will be in the colony they relocate, I understand your strategy, people from similar places will feel safer and will bond faster".

"exactly, I think that with time it will get easier to make colonies that all kind of people could live there I see this in the old colonies Moon and Mars they don't call themselves American, European African or Asian, no they call themselves Lunars or Martian and they don't see color of skin as or origin of people as a problem as current people of earth see, that one of my projects, to kill racism inside humanity."

"and you are doing very good job with it, I see you refence people as people not based on their origin or sexual preference, In my earth they say that they except everyone but not one time was someone gay or not from the main founding nation in a high ranking position in the UEG".

"And that's why I hate politics", John says.

Eva answers "says the man in charge of 10 billion people".

They both start laughing, and meanwhile the ship engages in orbit around Valhalla.

Victor announces "we are in steady orbit; you can descend to the surface at will".