Eva arrives back to the Martian governors building where john is waiting for her Eva asks "so how was the meeting?".
"I made things straight, I decided to go to the congress and tell everyone why I signed those accords, but it least the protest will cease and everyone could hear what I have to say, now about your little encounter with the protestor are you ok, media coverage is a hard thing", john asks.
"I am fine, just the attention is hard", Eva answers and john hugs Eva and says "you will get used to it, now let's get back to 'The Alpha', I have a speech to give in four hours and after that we will go back to your Earth".
The car enters 'The Alpha', and the ship flies to earth, after that they land Infront the congress building and they go back to the main hall where john starts to take a speech, but Eva doesn't listen she thinks about going back to her earth, does she really want it, how her life will be if she chooses to be with john, and john itself at first she was terrified, but now she sees him as what he is, a person that intends to do the best he can to help humanity and advance it.
Eva hears a question that handed towards John "why is the intension behind those accords?", asks the Chinese governor Xin with suspicious voice.
"to make us a force in the galaxy, with the Orenian on are side no one of the other civilizations would think attacking us won't bring consequences, with both civilization we could feel safe knowing that the Lomonian can't just come and wipe us out of existence".
Then another question is asked, "why didn't you inform the congress about the signing on those accords", asks Ali the governor of the Arabian Peninsula.
"because as the president of the federation I am able make choices regarding the whole federation itself, the job of the congress is to pass federation wide bills and laws, my job is to take care that the congress will have a federation to manage, the last time the congress tried to manage things with other civilizations, a war almost broke with the Orenians, so while I am in charge no other than me could decide about the negotiations with other civilizations, after 2077 when the presidential elections will take and if a new president will be chosen, change the laws how you want".
And then a voice is heard "we want to make a vote for passing a law to change the president", its again Ali.
"ok as you wish, but remember as easily we rose to the galactic stage we could fall, now take this vote", john talks while looking at the congress in an intimidating look Eva never saw.
Each of the congress members has three choices" yes, no, absent, now vote", john adds.
After five minutes the vote ends and the results are shown
"from 249 votes the results are:
Yes, 57 votes
No, 170 votes
Absent, 22 votes
The law didn't pass and the elections for the second president will be held in 2077 as was settled before", the head of congress announces.
John talks "as you see more than two thirds of governors support me, so I think we can end this meeting and remember we are here not fight with each other, we are here to progress humanity forward, I wish you all well and that our only problems will be passing laws and not waging wars, now let's finish this meeting, I am thanking you all for being present".
And john and Eva leave sky city and head back to 'The Alpha'.
"you don't think you have been a bit harsh on the congress?", Eva asks john.
"they need to understand that what I am doing is for the best of the federation, there are some governors with interest of replacing me, things like this vote are shouting them up.", john answers while being a bit nervous.
"are you ok?", Eva asked with concerned look.
"I will be fine, things like this just unbalance me, I am doing my best and those people only think about themselves and their bottom, not all fight we can win with power, but the problem is that until they don't see my power, they won't stop, and that a circle I hate", john answers trying to calm down.
"that why you are special, you don't think only about your personal interests you thing also about others", Eva hugs john and they kiss.
"thank you, I needed that", john answers and kisses Eva again.
"it was a long day, let's go shower and rest, remember tomorrow is a new day", Eva tells to john, they both smile and go towards johns' room.