Lily's Reminders

"I still could not believe that you agreed to stay with President Mo and his niece," Lily Zhao said from the other line.

A few days ago, when she was picking up her son from kindergarten, Edith had told her that she was going to move in with Neil Mo and Hazel so that it would be convenient for Edith to look after the little girl.

Lily was aware of Edith's intention to help the uncle and niece, but she did not expect that President Mo was going to suggest something like living together.

"If you snap a picture of the inside of President Mo and sell it, you could be a rich lady."

"Don't be ridiculous." Edith scoffed. She closed the luggage, zipped it, and took a deep breath. "I signed a confidentiality agreement. If I was caught, I might have to go to prison."

"I don't have many things to advise you, just that… Edith, you have to be careful with the way you behave. Don't let your gangster attitude out. Or else, President Mo and Hazel would be shocked and you might lose this babysitting job."

Edith narrowed her eyes as she listened to her friend's laughing voice.

As someone closed to Edith, Lily was fully aware that her friend might not be as gentle as she might seem.

Actually, Edith was worried about this matter as well. She has been staying alone for years and her small apartment has been the place where she can act and behaved in any way that she wanted.

Her job at the kindergarten paid well and she loved interacting with the children. However, she could not deny that dealing with kids can be very stressful as well. Especially as she had to look after the kids who came from a wealthy family. Not every one of them was well mannered like Hazel or Alex. There were some of them who were naughty beyond words. Whenever those kids did something wrong, she could not scold them and had to bear with their rich kids' attitude.

She had trained to always keep the smile on her face as she dealt with those kids. It was only when she came back to her apartment that Edith was able to relax. Her small apartment was her heaven.

The gangster attitude that Lily had mentioned was something that she only dared to show to those people who were close to her and at this time, she was worried that she was going to subconsciously act that way in front of the uncle and niece.

"Whatever you do, don't drink," Lily reminded her. "At least not in front of the two of them."

Both of them knew how terrible Edith can be once she was drunk.

Edith massaged her forehead. "I can control myself," she said, though she was not sure if she would be able to do that for a long time. "I won't drink."

"Since we will be living in the same city, maybe we can hang out together often. Later, let's hang out together with Hazel and Alex. Like a playdate for the kids." She stopped herself and sigh. "But my son is only interested in building robots. Hazel is such a nice kid and she will probably get bored with Alex as her playdate."

"Maybe not," Edith looked around the room and was starting to miss living in her small apartment. "Alex and Hazel are pretty close in class."

Lily let out a gasp in surprise. "My son and President Mo's niece are close in class? When did this happen? Why didn't I know this? And here I am, still worrying how Alex is going to find a girlfriend later."

Edith rolled her eyes. The kids were still young and her friend had started to worry about her son finding a girlfriend. "I think Hazel had some interest in building robots as well," Edith said. "That is probably why the two were close in school."

"I didn't think that a girl like Hazel would have an interest in those things. Those from Mo's family are surely different," Lily spoke. She glanced towards her son's room and thought of asking him about his friendship with Hazel.

Of course, later, the two of them were speechless when they found out that the only reason Hazel was interested in robots was that Alex had told her that Edith liked them as well. By this time, Hazel had genuinely had an interest in building robots and was really good at it.

The two friends chatted for a while and hang up. Edith glanced at the time and quickly grabbed a clean outfit before she headed into the bathroom to take a shower.

After cleaning up the house for an hour and packing up, her body was sticky with sweat.

She had made an appointment with Neil Mo and she was not planning to let him wait when he came over to pick her up.

Edith Qian came out of the bathroom, with half an hour left. She was looking at her checklist one last time when the doorbell rang. When she looked at the door, Edith was surprised to see that Neil Mo and Hazel stood in front of her door.

"Why are you here?" Edith continued to stare at the uncle and niece alternately. "Didn't we agree that I am going to meet you downstairs?" She shifted slightly to let the two of them step in.

"You are going to move out, surely you must have a lot of stuff to carry," Neil said.

Earlier that morning, Hazel woke up with the excitement on her face. She knew that Edith was going to move in to live with them and was so looking forward to it. Later, she stared at him for a long time as if she wanted to say something, but was afraid to. When Neil finally asked, Hazel, told him that she wanted to help her teacher with moving.

Hazel seemed to remember that she had carried a lot of luggage and boxes when she started to move in with her uncle and thought that her teacher would have the same amount of stuff.

After considering this matter for a long time, Neil finally agreed with Hazel and the two of them head over to A City earlier. With the address that Edith had written last time, Neil then brought Hazel upstairs.

"Teacher Qian, I am here to help you to carry your stuff," Hazel added.

Her gaze softened upon learning the two's good intentions. Edith turned towards the luggage behind her and sighed. "I don't have that much stuff. Just one luggage."

Neil followed her gaze and frowned. "Will this be enough?"

"I can always come back if I need to pick up anything," Edith said.

She was going to move in with them for a couple of months and Edith was not planning to carry too much stuff. It would be troublesome for her when she needed to move back to her apartment.

"Is everything ready?"

Edith nodded. "Everything is all packed. We can go now."