Moving In

Edith Qian sucked in a deep breath as she watched the building in front of her. Previously, she and Lily had walked past this area and Lily had mentioned that the pricing around this area was ridiculously high.

Although Lily and her husband both came from a good family, their wealth could not be compared to Mo's in L City.

MH Group business was too big. It started as with property development and construction and later on grow their business into leisure, entertainment, and hospitality. It was said that their group was planning to venture into other businesses as well.

"We're here," Neil announced as he parked his car in the parking area.

Edith helped Hazel to get out of the vehicle and watched as Neil took her luggage before he led her into the elevator. He pressed the button, and the three of them stayed in silence. Meanwhile, Edith continued to glance at her luggage with feeling a bit uneasy to let her boss carry her heavy luggage.

Although carrying that much weight should not be a problem to her, Neil had argued that such heavy things should be carried by a man. Seeing the expression on his face, Edith decided not to argue with him and held Hazel's hand instead.

Didn't Lily always call him an iceblock? However, after interacting with him within a short period, Edith found that President Mo can be courteous.

"This is my place," Neil announced as they stopped by a door. He pressed the passcode and let Edith remember them.

Edith walked into the house and swept her eyes around the duplex condo. The sunlight entered through the windows and brightened the room. From where she stood, Edith was able to see the city view.

The interior inside the house was very minimal with most of the furniture in a dark scheme color. Fortunately, there were some indoor plants in the room to add a splash of color.

It was clear that this place belonged to a single man. At once glance no one would be able to tell that a little girl was living in the house.

Just then, an elderly lady walked out of the kitchen and stopped when they saw the three of them at the door.

"This is Auntie Emma," Neil introduced. "She will come over everyday early morning to prepare breakfast for Hazel and clean up this place."

Previously, Auntie Emma only came over once every two days to clean up. However, after that one time when Neil had caught Hazel preparing her own breakfast, he started to realize that he could not neglect this little girl and had asked Auntie Emma to come over every morning to prepare breakfast for Hazel.

"If you needed anything, you can ask her," Neil continued. "Auntie Emma, this is Edith Qian. She will be staying here to look after Hazel until Auntie Ann returns."

Both Edith and Auntie Emma exchanged their greetings and chatted a little bit to break the ice.

"Uncle," Hazel called out with an excited voice. "Can I show Teacher Qian to her room?"

After her uncle had explained to her that her teacher was going to live together with them to look after her, Hazel has been ecstatic. She was looking forward to this day.

Her uncle might treat her nicely, but in the end, the two of them only got close after they agreed to live together. Meanwhile, her teacher was someone she was familiar with. Of course, with her teacher around, Hazel will have someone who will play with her.

Previously, when Nanny Ann was looking after her, the nanny was only in charge of her meal and supervised her as she played by herself. Nanny Ann was someone who was in her late fifty and there were lots of things that she could not do to accompany the little girl. Her uncle was someone who always busy with work. Although he had bought a lot of books and toys for her, he had never accompanied her to play.

Neil patted at her head and nodded. "Alright. Go ahead."

With his words, Hazel held Edith's hand and pulled her upstairs, leaving Neil to continue giving his instruction to Auntie Emma.

"Teacher Qian, this is my room," Hazel said as she stopped at a door. She turned the doorknob and revealed the pastel pink room.

Edith blinked as she adjusted her vision. Earlier, everything around her was in a dark scheme color, and this time, there was too much pink.

"Your room will be next to mine." Hazel pulled her towards the next door and turned the doorknob to enter. "Teacher Qian, this is your room."

Stepping into the room, Edith started to look around. Her eyes widened upon seeing the size of the room. It was massive as compared to her room in her small apartment.

Although the furniture was almost in the same dark color scheme, the wallpapers and bedsheets added more color and turned the room livelier. Most of all, the bed looked so comfortable that Edith started to wonder if she will be able to get up in the morning after sleeping on the bed.

"Teacher Qian, did you like it?" Hazel asked anxiously. The two of them had stepped into the room for a while, but her teacher had not said anything.

"Un," Edith nodded. "It's very pretty."

"I helped my uncle to choose some of the decoration," Hazel spoke before she pointed out at what she had chosen to decorate the room. "Teacher Qian, previously, you mentioned that you liked blue, therefore, I chose a blue bedsheet for you."

"It's a nice color." Edith laughed upon seeing the little girl's excitement. "You've got great taste."

Hearing her compliment, Hazel immediately stopped herself and lowered her head as her lips curled into a shy smile.

"How is it? Is everything alright with the room?"

Edith turned around at the voice and found Neil stood at the door with her luggage. She stepped towards him and took her luggage from him. "President Mo, thank you. This room is... massive."

"You can tell me if you need anything else," Neil said. He was someone who had never live with another person after he moved out of his parents' house until Hazel come along. Therefore, a little bit clueless about what a woman would need in their room.

Previously, he had to consult his mother and Hazel had volunteered as his adviser. He had Assistant Shawn to help him find some new furniture for this room in a day.

"Everything looks fine, but sure, I will tell you if there is anything I need," Edith said.

"You should unpack your stuff. I won't disturb you." Neil paused to look at the two girls in front of him and suddenly felt that the house was livelier as Hazel could not stop chattering since her teacher had arrived. "I still have something else to do. Later, let Hazel gave you a tour in the house."

Hazel accepted the job as a guide happily and made a plan to show her teacher around.

"Auntie Emma will prepare something for dinner," Neil said. "Since it was the first day for you to move in, let's have dinner together to welcome you."