The Deal ( Part 1 )

"Ho~ So you really want to get stronger… How much are you willing to pay?" The mysterious merchant asked and Rufus felt that the man was grinning as well.

Instead of being sent away due to his ridiculous request, this merchant was actually delighted that he's seeking power.

He couldn't answer immediately after being asked such a question. After all, he didn't expect that he would be in this kind of conversation. 

Rufus then realized that he was thinking too much. The man must be messing with him since he has such an absurd demand for him.

The young man took a deep breath to calm himself before he looked closer to the eyes of the merchant…

"Do you mean that the power I can get depends on the amount that I can pay? Well, it doesn't matter how much, as long as I can be a powerful Arcanist then I'm willing to pay the price… So, name it…"

Rufus decided to go along with the man's senseless talk…