The Deal ( Part 2 )

Reiji smiled wryly upon hearing the young man's plea... It seems that he already set his mind that the wooden sword is a Cursed Arcana based on his words.

Of course, he doesn't have plans on making this guy a Sword Slave as his true aim was to complete the last two missions he has so that he can take his Rank Up Quest already.

After all, he has been stuck as a Rare-Rank for a while now.

"I understand... I won't take your humanity. In exchange, you have to complete a few of my requests then I'll help you pass your evaluation." Reiji declared his condition.

"About your request..."

"I'll tell it to you once I helped you pass your evaluation. But you don't have to worry, even though it might be difficult, I won't make you do something illegal." Reiji said in a friendly tone...

However, this just made Rufus even more nervous.

The silver-haired boy stared at the Arcana as if he was weighing his options...