WebNovelThe North66.67%

Little girl

Hugo came all the way to the front gate until he met a guy leaning against the gate. "So, I supposed you were here to find me."

"Nice to meet you, you can call me Steve."

"Okay, nice to meet you," said Hugo, "And why are you here?"

"I'm sure you still remember about the Hoggrew."

Hugo nodded to show that he still remember about the magic school where he and Benedict met.

"You're the one who is able to enter the school without the card. We need your help."

"I am just a normal human. I don't think I can do any help. And what happened to Hoggrew?"

"Two years ago, there is this powerful and evil black magic holder who entered our school and wanted to destroy the school. And the principal, he sacrificed for the students and teachers to leave."

"So you want me to go in the school to check the situation out?"

"Cause you're the chosen one. The principal said so." Steve sounds very helpless.

"Well, I don't even know how to get in there! I did it just once accidentally."

"You're the only possibility we have. I hope you can figure it out."

Steve walked away slowly, leaving Hugo alone at the gate. Hugo suddenly thought of what Benedict told him before. All of them have a card that allowed them into the magical space.

"Sir Hugo, what are you doing here?" It was Anthony, a student who stayed at the hostel.

"I just talked to a friend just now. And what are you doing here? Shouldn't you be in your class right now?"

"Sir, I was on my way to my class and I saw you here."

"Get yourself there as fast as possible."

"See you later, sir," said Anthony.

Hugo went back to his place to clean his table. When he was arranging the files and books, he saw the picture of him with Benedict and his daughter.

The girl didn't remember anything about Benedict as he left when she was too young. On the other side, Hugo didn't tell her about that as she would be sad.

Hugo placed the picture right on his table.

At the other part of the city, his daughter was studying in her primary school.

"Carol, what are you doing here?" said Joey, a close friend of Carol.

"Hey, joey! I was reading this book which says a lot about magic. It was so amazing."

Joey and Carol engrossed in the storybook that describe spells and magic. "That's so cool, they can just bring anything out of nothing." Carol said.

They kept on reading until recess was over. The returned the book and ran as fast as they could to not be late. In the class, both of them are tablemates as well.

"Good morning class. How's your day?"

Their teacher came in with a stack of papers. Carol realised that it was their homework last week, to write about their family.

"So, everyone had done a great job to describe your family. Please take back you work and paste it in your book."

Carol went to the table when her teacher called her out. After she grabbed her paper, the teacher asked Carol to come to her place after this session.

Carol didn't know what had happened but she did know that she was never late to school. After their English lesson, she followed her teacher to her place.

"Carol, you wrote in your work that you don't have a mother. Is that real?"

"It is real, my father said I don't have a mother."

"I see, Carol you can go back to your class. Don't run on the roads."

Carol nodded and walked back to her class. She didn't know what was the reason her teacher asked her that question until she talked to her tablemate.

"Joey, is it weird that I don't have a mum?"

"I thought everyone must have a mum, cuz we came out from mum's body."

Carol stunned and remained silent until the school ended. Hugo came to pick her and her teacher was waiting for him.

"Hello, Mr Hugo. We need to have a talk."

"Did Carol make any mistakes or anyone bully her?"

"Just follow me to the office. Let me show you the way."

Hugo followed the teacher to her place and Carol was asked to stay at the outside with the toys out there.

"Mr Hugo, your daughter recently handed in a work which needs her to describe her family. She wrote that she doesn't have a mother. I was thinking if your family had faced any problem."

"Her mother went for a trip and never come back yet. We didn't know if she's dead or just missing. I don't want the kids to be sad, I made a lie that she doesn't have a mother."

"I see, but I don't think it's a good thing. You need to tell her the truth."

"Thanks for your suggestion. I would find some time to talk to her about that."

"And I'm sorry about your wife."

"It's fine. I shall leave now, the kid is getting hungry."

Hugo came out of the room and brought Carol to the car. "Little girl, what do you wanna eat today?"

"I want to eat chicken spaghetti, the one papa cooked for me every week."

Hugo said yes to her request and drove all the way to the supermarket to get some ingredients.

"Follow me, don't walk away," Hugo said.

The little girl nodded and hopped off the car. The supermarket was full with people, some for the groceries, some for the canned food, some for the tools and necessary things. Hugo hold Carol's hand tightly so that she wouldn't get lost in the supermarket.

"Dad, why don't I have a mother like Joey do?"

"Little girl, this would be your bedtime story. Deal with it?"

The girl smiled and nodded. She looked very excited to know what had happened. Hugo bought all the ingredients required and brought Carol home.

At the moment they reached their house, Carol ran all the way to put her bag down and hopped onto the sofa for her TV shows. It was an anime which talks about magic. Carol had always been interested in magic, although she knew that magic wouldn't exist.

Looking at how interested she was made Hugo thought of Benedict again. When Carol fell asleep, Benedict would lead Hugo to a field and cast some magical spells. In Hugo's view, they are having a date everytime he came.

Here it comes someone who knocked at the door without ringing the doorbell.