lifting Mom in arms

Life is unpredictable. The person she thought loved her the most, was actually using her emotions. She thought she couldn't live without him, the irony is she's livining even better after she left him. As she sat near the window of her room, sipping her black coffee, she recalls how her life has changed over the past few days. 

(Author: black coffee?)

That day after she hung up the call, strangely tears didn't come out of her eyes. She was so used to being treated that way from her boyfriend. She took a deep breath, went to the hospital garden and sat down on a bench. It was afternoon. Due to the immense heat there were hardly any humans in the garden. A lonely figure could be seen from afar. Her shoulder-long hair dancing with the wind, her eyes closed and taking deep breaths she was trying to calm herself for the future. She has to take care of her family, she has been assigned responsibilities of various projects in her college and in a few weeks the semester exams shall commence. 

Suddenly her phone buzzed, thinking that it would be her boyfriend.. (Oh! Sorry.. her ex-boyfriend) she frowned and answered the call without looking at the screen. "Didaa*.. Where are you? Why aren't you here?... I am so scared…... " the voice that came was of her sister Janet's. She completely forgot about Janet all this while. "Hey.. Jan .. your Dida is getting you something.. Wait for me at the exam hall and don't step out okay? I'll be there soon… I love you.. Don't be afraid honey."

She hurriedly put on her black denim jacket and got a box of chocolates and pineapple pastry before reaching the exam hall. "Jan!!!!.. Hey there honey…" Janet came running over and hugged her tightly. Understanding her emotions she let her be that way. After some minutes, when Janet felt better she let go of Anne. "Why are you so late?" Janet asked, resembling a child who just wanted to be spoiled for some time. Anne takes out a box and hands it over to Janet. "Come let's go find a place to sit and eat. Let's celebrate the end of your exam." She dodged Janet's question very tactfully as she changed the topic. Understanding that something is not quite right, she doesn't ask her sister anything anymore and they both find a bench and sit down. "Wowww!!! Pineapple pastry and dark chocolate! Ohh…Dida I love you soooo much.. Muahhhhh" Janet exclaimed, trying to show happiness and not wanting to trouble her sister anymore. She tries to help her sister and not burden her. Right now her sister wants her to eat the pastry and the chocolate.. Big deal! She'll eat them happily. Anne smiled because she completely saw through her sister's act. God! 'How blessed she feels to have such an understanding sister' she thought. 

Seeing Janet finish her pastry and the chocolate, she told her about her parent's condition. Unlike a few hours back, this time Janet was calm as though she expected it and told Anne not to worry about her. She'd be good. Anne then took Janet to the hospital to see their parents. Her mother regained consciousness soon but felt difficulty in moving her hands and legs. After completing the paperwork, Anne took her parents and her sister home. She lifted her Mom in her arms, Janet held her Dad and this way the family of four made their way home. Many onlookers started to gossip and came to ask about the incident. Ignoring everyone she took her parents home. 

After making sure that her mother was comfortable in bed, Anne went to the kitchen and cooked some nourishing soup for her parents. Janet won't eat anything because her stomach was full. Anne had no appetite after all that happened today. 

Her phone buzzed bringing her back to reality. She saw the caller's name. It read 'Silvia'. Silvia Grey is Anne's best friend. They studied in the same school for one year, later Silvia changed her school for the convenience of timings. 

"Soo busy eh? Annieee you've forgotten about me.. wuwuwuwu " she pretended to fake cry to make Anne laugh. Their chit chat went on for another half an hour after which Silvia's mom called her for some work. Anne had a faint smile on her face after talking to this girl who was her best friend. 

Anne then went to the kitchen and started with the preparations for dinner. She cooked a simple meal. Cumin Rice and Tomato soup for her parents along with nutella mug cake (only for her sister). These days she has been doing all the chores at home. Not allowing her sister to help her at all for the fear of opening the scratches on her body. (author: a loving and a caring elder sister is all I want.)

Ever since Anne came back from the hospital with her parents, she is busy with doing the household chores and taking care of her sister. She has no time to sit and grieve over her break-up with Stephen. Inorder to remain fit and fine, she works out everyday at the gym. She spends one hour practising yoga in the morning and one hour of zumba in the evening. She has started to treat herself better and better, she is now a free bird. Earlier she couldn't figure out how and what to do but now that she doesn't have to bother herself with her boyfriend's work, she utilises all of her time very well. Amongst the positive changes in her routine, there's one major thing that has been affected negatively. Annelies, a cheerful, fun-loving and a hard working girl now has no emotions on her face. Her eyes are cold and distant, she has a fake faint smile on her face and her heart is locked. The doors of her heart are closed by her. Just no one now could try to open them. If anyone tried it would be the end of them.