First Day

Shen Shu's new office has a desk, computer, chair and empty shelves. She then turned on the computer, logged in, and ordered things to make her new space more to her liking.

Her father owned a phone and service company. They offer telecommunication services and different models of cellular devices depending on what people look for or want. They also ensure that their devices are compatible with games, which Ye Huan must have tested.

Shen Shu spent the next three hours looking through catalogues to see what needed to be changed and updated until it was time for her lunch. On the way, she spotted Ye Huan, who was engrossed in the game she was playing, so she stopped by her desk and said, "Want to have lunch with me?"

She gaped at her before she responded, "all right!"

Ye Huan followed Shen Shu to the elevator and made their way to a restaurant. They find a spot and sit together. She noticed Ye Huan kept her headphones around her neck as if it's an accessory she couldn't be without. Her hair is dyed a dark green she keeps in a ponytail, and her face is framed with large spectacles. Shen Shu realized that Ye Huan hides her beauty behind her hair, glasses, and clothes, unlike any of the other office workers she'd seen, which means she's not an ordinary one.

"What is your position?" Shen Shu asked her as they looked over the menu.

"Ah…I work in Marketing Department under you, but I hope one to be an app and game developer."

One of her eyebrows arch. "I think that's a good idea, Ye Huan. You certainly have the potential."

Ye Huan's face blooms a shade of pink. "Yes, but I think it's unrealistic. I mean, not many companies will take in someone like me. I went to school, have some experience, and my portfolio is neat, but the qualifications to be considered feel endless. The positions I get now don't pay well, and I can't afford to leave my job with Shen."

Shen Shu looked at her face. Her dilemma. And the fact that she was close to accepting defeat. "I see the way you focus and concentrate on the game. There are many people out there like you. I am thinking of developing a team. It will be a trial at first, but I would love to lead the project. Once we're ready, we can present it to Shen Chi and my father."

Ye Huan's eyes widen. "Really?"

"I can't guarantee that we will be successful or if we can pull off this project, but yes. It won't hurt to try?"

Ye Huan jumped from her seat and wrapped her arms around Shen Shu. "Oh, thank you, thank you. I won't let you down! I have so many ideas." She scrambles in her seat, looking for her notebook.

Shen Shu chuckled. "Ye Huan. Please eat first. When was the last time you've eaten?"

Ye Huan thought about it. "Yesterday at breakfast," she says hesitantly.

Shen Shu knew many people like Ye Huan with brilliant minds that focus on their work more than the fact that they are hungry.

"Eat first, and then we can go back to the office."

Ye Huan nods, and she looks at her. "Shen Shu," she says.

She looks at her. "Hm?"

"You're really nice."

Shen Shu smiled.

The food comes, and the two of them eat together.

Ye Huan and Shen Shu begin to discuss ideas on their way back to the building until they become quiet at the sight of Niko.

Niko's eyes meet hers, but he averts his gaze just as fast and walks past her.

Ye Huan followed Shen Shu into her office to have a longer discussion. She takes a seat across her desk and studies Shen Shu with her gaze.

"Is it true that you and your brother are not on good terms?"

Shen Shu smiled. Most people would be afraid to talk to her about Niko. "It's not like that," She told her. "Shen Chi keeps it professional in the workspace and only regards me if he needs me. He and I have our work to do. But things are different at home." It was partly true. Around her parents, he acts normal. When they're alone, he acts like she is not there.

Ye Huan looks at her like she does not believe her, but I say, "Let's get back to work."

It was late in the evening when everyone had already gone home, and Shen Shu found Niko still in his office. She knocked on the left ajar door, and he looked up at her from his desk. "You're still here?" he asked.

"Yes, but I'm about to head back home. Are you coming?"

Niko looked outside the window and realized it was dark out. "Yes, I will walk back with you."

Shen Shu tried not to smile as she waited for him to gather his things and turn everything off. He joins her as they walk toward the elevator and out of the building. They were silent the entire way home, but she no longer found it awkward. She was used to his lack of words, and she felt like that was just how their relationship was.

Once they headed inside, she made some chilli oil noodles for dinner, serving them to him. They ate in silence again before she made her way to her room to shower and change and watch a new drama.

Shen Shu tried to sleep, but she only tossed and turned in her bed. Her pillows feel stiff, and her mind won't stay quiet.

She then stepped from her room and into the hall. Shen Shu went to Niko's room. "Niko?" she says but hears nothing. Shen Shu knocked on the door, once, twice, and still nothing. She opened the door. "Niko?" She sees nothing but a simple and neat room. Shen Shu stepped inside, and she did not see him on his bed or in his bathroom. Where the heck is he?

She stopped searching for him as she looked through his closet to find any extra pillows. Nothing. She then went to his bed to find it overflowing with pillows. She inspected the comfort of each pillow and tested how it felt beneath her head until she passed out.