Our Vacation (One)


Aisha runs to me. She welcomed me with her warm hugs, and I returned a tight embrace to my daughter. Hugging Aisha like this, the tension I felt all day washes away.

"Why is the guidance counselor here?" I whispered to my daughter as we approached Janus and Mikael.


Aisha looked at me with an apologetic gaze, then glanced at Janus. It seemed something had happened at the school.

"Good evening, Mr. Davis. Why are you guys staying here outside?"

"Good evening, Miss Henderson. I dropped by to talk with you about Janus. However, your neighbors would misinterpret if I waited inside your home, so I stay here."

Mikael pushed a sad smile, and I could sense that there was more he wanted to say to me.

"Er, I'm sorry about that. I apologized. I don't want to be rude, but yes, it is not good to invite you to come inside the house. Hope would you understand."

"I do. No worries."

"By the way, what brought you here? Did something happen at school?" I asked as to how my chest had this hunch.

"Sort of, but don't worry, Janus did not fight back. I followed them home to make sure those kids did not pursue Janus into a fight after school. If I caught them doing such a thing again, I might call you and the other parents. So, I want to inform you in advance, Miss Henderson."

I wanted to beam, but I did hide it. 'Look who's talking now? A rebellious teen back then.' Is he using his terrible experience to teach young kids to be more likable?

"Thank you, Mr. Davis. It gladdens me to take your role seriously." That was my compliment for Mikael, and it made me happy to see him now acting as a reliable adult.

"Well, I should go now. You guys have to prepare dinner. So, I should not stay longer. See you around at school, kids! Goodbye, Miss Henderson."

"Goodbye, Mr. Davis."

Mikael went inside his car and turned the engine. He waved at us before he drove away. In silence, I heave a sigh. I like to invite him to have a meal with us, but I must avoid feeding my neighbor something they could dish about me. I don't really care about their opinion. But I don't want my kids to suffer from this gossip.

"Let's go inside, kids. I bought cupcakes!"


* * *

Saturday morning.

Before the sun rises in the east, we hit the road heading to the Northern mountains outside Dely State. I searched the internet to rent a cabin or a cottage close to a lake, which isolates from most houses. We need the lake as it is the best reflection of the moon.

Janus and Aisha's names both have a meaning of the moon. However, Janus still inherits the blue flame of his father, and Aisha inherits my power, as her familiar has a similar ability as Luna.

After three hours of driving, we stop by a town where I treat the kids to a family diner for a quick breakfast. After refueling our rented SUV, I drove another hour to get to the cottage to stay for two days and one night.

"Whoa. Are we going to stay here, mom?"

Janus exclaimed, excited upon we arrived at the place.

"Yup! Do you like it?"


"Oh, here's the key to the cottage."

Janus excitedly takes the key from my hand. Hurrying to get off the car, he ran to the cottage and climbed onto the porch. Aisha followed behind, and I watched my kids cheerfully enter the house. As for me, I went to the back of the SUV to take out our stuff and food for the next two days.

"Mommy, this cabin is awesome!"

Aisha came out to the porch to tell me this. I smiled to see her bright eyes with joy.

"I'm glad you guys like it. It looks nice in the catalog, so I rented it." I said to Aisha.

'Is it for sale, right? Why don't you purchase it instead, Priestess?'

'I am unsure, Luna. But you are right. I need to find a place that we can stay during holidays and weekends to train the twin.'

I agree with this brilliant idea.

'If we will stay on this planet longer, you better do that, Priestess Zelenia.'

'Thank you, Luna.' I'm happy Luna has become more sensible in our ordinary life.

'Priestess, I need your permission to inspect the area and the lake.'

"Sure! But be careful, okay?"

'Really? Should I?'

I giggled at her reaction when I sounded like reminding a little kid. 'Might there be humans around? Don't just show up anywhere.'

'Don't worry. I will remain invincible.'

I closed my eyes, and she gradually came out of my back.

"Priestess, I will make it a quick one."

"Hum! Go ahead."

Luna flew away, headed to the woods. I know she will do something, putting borders in the four corners of this place.

I traveled my eyes to the lake. This place was pleasant, and I could feel the tranquility and peace; it made me miss my Sanctuary.

For many years, I have already liked living on this planet. But I have this question in me. What if I didn't leave the Sanctuary? Did things go well for us, or would it even be complicated? It could be that our life is far better than living here on this planet.

Anyway, for now. I must reveal to my children who they are and what I am. 'Oh...' I should stop contemplating and enjoy this weekend vacation.

"Mommy, let me help you!"

Janus ran toward me and offered a hand. He picked up our bags and brought them to the cottage, and I followed him silently. Janus is getting taller each day. He and Aisha will hit their teenage years in a few years, and I want them to stay babies.

'Ah...' Growing muscles is best for them. They have to be one with their familiar soon. The sooner, the better for them to learn how to forge magic and control their energy.

Upon entering the cottage, my eyes wander to the entire living room. There are a fireplace and a dining table in the corner.

I walked toward the arch panel that led to the kitchen. I put down the bags of groceries on the table, and my gaze was drawn outside the window. This place truly is beautiful.

"Mommy, let's go check out the rooms upstairs!"

Janus and Aisha held each of my arms and led me to the second floor.

We first open the door that is closest to the stairs. It was a vast room, standing as the main bedroom. Janus checks out the other room, with two beds in it.

"Would you guys like to stay here?" I asked my kids.

Janus and Aisha look at each other. Happily, they nodded at me.

"Alright, then! How about you guys playing outside?" I suggested.

"Can we go near the lake, mommy?"

Aisha asked me. I ran my fingers through her jet-black hair and replied, "Sure, honey."

I listened to their footsteps and giggled until they left the house.

Now that my kid's cheerfully running outside, it is time.


"I am here on top of the roof, Priestess."

"All right. Are you ready?" I asked my familiar.

"As you say, milady."

I close my eyes and release a portion of my energy. Now, I am surrounded by light; my clothes change into my Priestess gown. Also, my black hair turns into silver-purple overlong hair.

"Carved into heaven. It shines like the star's in the sky." I recited, then a magic circle appeared on the floor.

"North. South. East. West."

I went on while my hands gestured in the air, writing the ancient characters of these four directions. The next thing is Luna, and I recited together.

Zelenia: Kita

Luna: Bei


Zelenia: Minami

Luna: Nan


Zelenia: Azuma

Luna: Dong


Zelenia: Nishi

Luna: Xifang


The four corners that Luna marked have now been lighted. Two in the woods and two in the lake. After reciting these together, the magic circle expands a mile wide.

"Spirit of the Land. Spirit of the Water. Spirit of the Sky. Spirit of the Sun... come forth."

Gradually, another magic circle appears above the cottage. Luna releases more of her energy and strengthens the magic barrier. The whole place is now filled with blinding light.

We were in the middle of casting the magic barrier of this place when I heard Aisha's scream.
