Heart-To-Heart Talk With Mom

Dely State City Port

The Smith Seaplane landed in the saltwater and ported in the shoreline. Zelenia carefully steps out from the plane following her are Janus and Aisha, who enjoyed the flight.

Kian completes a round trip above the city for thirty minutes, touring the kids to observe the night scenery below. The city lights fascinate them as they only saw this view in movies and blogs.

"Mommy, can we do it again?" Janus asked Zelenia.

"Oh, we can't bother Mr. Kian and Mr. Shane," she responded.

"That's all right! I don't mind at all. Just tell me when do you want kids!" Shane raises a thumb.

"I can pilot the plane anytime for you, kids." Kian joined their conversation.

"Mommy?" Janus and Aisha look up at her.

'Ah…' She can't ignore their cuteness, but her motherhood should rule. "We will talk about it when we arrive home," Zelenia told her children. The truth is, she cannot spoil them from the other's fortune. As a mom, it was her job to explain things to her children by having a heart-to-heart talk with things they should do or not.

"Okay, mommy."

It hurts her to see how the twin gives her hopeful expression, but she must set rules from now on. There should be limitations for things they must do that could get attention. For example, people saw the twin being close to her bosses. She has to protect her children from people making up stories and gossiping about her; involving her children from the issues is not healthy for them to grow up in a toxic society. However, she can't forever hide her children from this kind of world. They need to learn the way of living a life in this kind of environment.

Zelenia turns to Shane and bow. "Thank you for the ride, Mr. Shane. It's getting late at night. The kids have off to bed to wake up early tomorrow morning."

"I prepared a car to send you home," Shane offered.

"There's no need to do that. My butler is here to pick me up. I can drop them home since we have the same direction." Mikael also offers Zelenia a ride.

"Ah, about our ride, I arranged one already." She both refused Mikael and Shane's offer.

Mikael wanted to insist, but they could now spot the cab waiting.

"You can drop me instead of at my condo," Xanther smacks Mikael's back.

"Huh? Do we go in the same direction?"

"Of course," Xanther replied.

It made Zelenia wonder, but the cab driver is now waving at them. She can't query which avenue Manager Jang was living in. So they are neighbors? For how long? Hm, whatever then, she need not know.

"We're leaving now," Zelenia announced, she then turned to her twin. "Kids bid goodbye to them."

"Goodbye, Uncle Mikael, Uncle Shane, Uncle Xanther, and Mr. Kian."

"Bye, kids!" said Shane and did not argue anymore.

"Goodbye! You can call me uncle too!" Kian feels out-of-place, called by a formal address.

"Tell the cab driver not to drive fast."

That was Xanther, and it confused Zelenia. But then she nodded at him. The kid's waving goodbye from the cab window when the vehicle runs.

"Mommy, that was so great!" The twin cannot settle down inside the vehicle from the fun they experienced the entire weekend.

"I'm glad you guys enjoyed our trip. But there is one thing I need to talk with you about when we arrived home."

"Okay, mommy!"

The kids did not ask what it was about but waited until they arrived home. One thing she is proud of, being a mother to these kids, is being patient and listening to her words. She was glad that they didn't take her stubbornness to insist on things every time. It must be traits from their father.

* * *

Preparing to sleep, Zelenia brought two glasses of milk in her bedroom for the twin to drink. She sits on the foot of the bed while the twin waits for her words.

"Mommy, have I made a mistake?" asked Janus. It worries him, might he been a naughty kid during the out-of-town trip, and his mother may just keep her silence in front of other people. Besides, he does not want to make his mommy unhappy with him.

Zelenia sees how Janus seemed troubled. She smiled and hugged him. "No, baby. You are both young for now. A lot of things you would not discern, whether they are right or wrong? That is why I am here as your mom to explain things to you and to discuss, beforehand, to avoid circumstances in the near future," she began.

"Okay, mommy…" Janus and Aisha replied, listening further.

"This weekend, you learned that we are not ordinary humans, but we are deities, and it is not deities from this world but another Universe." Zelenia went on. She could see the sparks and excitement at her children's faces. "We have powers, and the energy that flows in our body can be forged into a weapon or wield unique Elements as our Magic. However, even though we possessed these capabilities. We have to live an ordinary life. And to do that, we should avoid getting involved with the people famous in society, not to create controversies between them and our lives."

"Like Uncle Shane?"

"And Uncle Mikael!?"

She peered at the twin. They really are maturer than their age. "Yes, and even to mommy's boss from her department, Manager Jang."

"Because the people will gossip about you, mommy!" Janus concluded.

Until now, it still surprises Zelenia. But she already noticed how Janus has been minding the issues that are throwing at her. She sees her son wanting to man-up for this family. She planted one kiss each for her twin.

"Sadly, people are talking about your mommy. It was because you have no father, and I don't have a husband. But do not think anything against your father. People were just thinking I am looking for a man to give me a comfortable life, so they suspected I am dating random men then hook up with a rich guy."

"But a reason daddy is not with us. Right, mommy?" asked Aisha.

She nods, shedding tears. "I know I never mentioned him." It wasn't good, as her voice cracked. How could she go on when emotions are now engulfing her entire being? She wanted to tell them about their father, but soon, the right time would come, and she could show them who their father was.

'Priestess?' Luna, who has been listening. It also concerns her that this family has to suffer when they deserve a better life without minding what other people to say.

"All right. Listen, kids… even if not everything I would not give to you, but it is for our good. We can be friends with Mikael and my bosses, but we cannot bother them. Do you understand me?"

"Yes, mommy."

"Soon, you will understand more about life in this world. How humans act and treat other people, and it is because we differ from them, but we are more aware of their behavior… so we have to watch ourselves, and we should be in control of our emotions all the time. It is time for you both to learn how to control your power, to hide them. Do you understand?"

"Yes! So, mommy… even if we need not take Uncle Shane's plane, can we still go back to the mountain lakeside?"

"I know you guys love it." She smiled at her kids. She likes it too.

"We want to play with Lionel and Sora again!"

"Okay. But they have to rebuild the bridge first, so it will take a few weeks."

"But you can fix it, right mommy?"

"Yes. It will be easy for me to restore everything that was broken or destroyed. Chanting prayers with Luna is a piece of cake! But we must not do that. Earthen would panic and say, 'an alien invaded our world!' as we are an alien to this planet."

The twin laughed, then Janus remembered something. "Also, mommy, Uncle Shane thought Luna is a ghost!"

"Actually, Luna pretends to be the ghost the other night."

"Ah!" the kids giggle.

"All right! We have to sleep now. You guys have to wake up early to go to school!"

"Hum!" they responded at once.

She tickled the twin, now rolls on the bed to avoid her attacks. Aisha and Janus planted a kiss on her cheeks before they settled their position and closed their eyes. Zelenia fixes the covers before she lay down in the middle of the bed, in between her twin.

Staring at the ceiling, she contemplates the things that would be best for her kids. She has to look for a place they could move in soon. Something spacious, where the familiars could come out from the twin's bodies, and normally spend time with them. But it has to be close to the Academy.

Tomorrow, she will search the internet to find the best one. She won't care anymore if people would be suspicious where her fortune came from...

* * *

Next on My Mommy is a PRIESTESS... 

Zelenia entered the building. Right away, she feels a gloomy atmosphere toward her. Everyone stares at her with contempt.

Mona: Zel, how was the weekend? 

Zelenia: Why are you grinning at me? 

Mona: Ah, you spent with the VP, right? 

Zelenia: Huh??? 

• • •

Zelenia glanced at her wristwatch, one hour before work time ended. She has to message the kids that she will be home late as she needs to drop by at a supermarket. 

The priestess went to the washroom and locked the door. She touches the mirror when she wanted to see her kids and it shows the twin cornered by three men in the Alley.

These people possess dark energy. 

"Luna, save the kids!" She summons Luna and teleports to the place where the twins are. 

"You dare to walk among the mortals?" 

The three men that now circle the twin turned their heads and scanned the beautiful lady standing at the entrance of this alley.

Her silver long hair dancing behind her back. Wearing a fitted blue short dress, it showed her curves and smooth porcelain long legs added her revealing cleavage chest by her dress. She was already tall, but her red four-inches stiletto added to her height.
