Serves Them Right


The moment Zelenia enters the building, a gloomy atmosphere welcomes her. Everyone stares at her with contempt. She could guess why everyone was looking at her this way. It must relate to the weekend incident with the bosses. Those female employees display it on their faces.

It made her wonder how they learned it and who spread the gossip. Impossibly it was the bosses nor Kian. He is equally trusted. Why would he gossip about his boss?

She heads to the corner where they log in their attendance when she crosses the head of the Building Maintenance team.

"Good morning, Mr. Gibson." she greeted the man.

"Good morning, Miss Henderson."

"You appear happy. It must be wonderful news bestowed by heaven?"

"Indeed! My wife woke up, and the doctor said she could go home this Friday. I thought I would lose her…." Mr. Gibson emotionally shared the news.

Zelenia smiled. She wanted to hug this man, but people would surely misunderstand that. She discovers that humans have magic, which is the power of hugs. "I am happy to hear that, Mr. Gibson."

"By the way, thank you for the flowers you sent to my wife. She loves the purple butterfly card, and she said she would keep it forever. She also asked me to thank you on behalf of her."

"Small thing, Mr. Gibson. Don't mention it. She is very welcome."

Not long ago, the elevator arrived, and other employees began getting in.

"The lift is here. You can go ahead first." Mr. Gibson offers.

"Ah, I'll wait for Mona to climb together."

"All right, then. I'll go ahead."

"Sure, Mr. Gibson." Zelenia nods.

'After all, you cannot stand not to help.' Luna commented.

Indeed, she sent a purple butterfly card with a prayer and a message with fresh white roses carrying a magic spell for Mr. Gibson's wife. The scent from the flowers and the spell in the card will slowly help to restore Mrs. Gibson's health. However, she cannot do this often. No. She should not do it often. She should avoid meddling too much about the flow of this world.

'But little miracles once in a while are not bad, is it?' Zelenia talks to the sky.

"Good morning! Zel, how was the weekend?"

Zelenia turned around and greeted back. "Hey, Mona. Good morning. Why are you grinning at me?"

"Hehe. You did it again, Zel!"

"What did I do again?" It confused her, but she suspected it was connected to the contempt atmosphere in the lobby.

"You slapped those bitches once again!"

"What are you talking about now?" she asked Mona, though she already had an idea.

"Ah, you spent with the VP, right?"

"Huh?" she fakes it. She had to pretend it surprised her. Humans really are powerful in detecting stories about others. Zelenia sighed in silence.

"But I don't believe what they presume — they don't know the truth. You refuse to work an extra day on the weekend because you planned to take the kids to the mountainside of the Dely State. It happens; you and the bosses went to the same town and then were trapped after the bridge collapsed from the quake."

"That gossip is too detailed. Who spreads it?" It is a fact. But it is a wonder to her. Impossible that it was one of the men spreading it.

"The media posted an article as a blind item, but those bitches are the good hacker to search every social network app to find the OP. I am certain one of those social climbers who spread misinformation."

Mona showed the article comparing the blind item, and the original post is—

"It's Mikael??"

"You never tell me you have a cutie brother!"

"Mona, you were daydreaming. Aren't you getting married soon?" Zelenia raised a brow, peering at Mona, who was like on cloud nine.

"Hehe. I can't believe it! It's just like the manga I am reading!"

"What? The comics have been possessing you, really." she critiqued.

Zelenia scanned the post made by Mikael. Gladly, the camera caught only the back of the twin, but she was recognizable even though she was showing only a side view. However, Shane and Xanther are clear enough, plus that seaplane displayed on the background with a big name SMITH Corp., so it's undeniable who she spent the weekend with... Moreover, it exposed that she is close to other men.

"Meeting a potential business partner, then trapped in this town after that scary quake. Gladly, my sister's family was having a weekend vacation in our lodge!"

It was Mikael's post, and there is no meaning. To probe, it explains why they were together coincidentally. However, those women would treat her as the villain of their lives. And their revenge on her is to make her reputation terrible.

"Well, just ignore them. Let them die in envy! Four hotties on the same roof with you? Yay! I imagine Chris Pratt or Chris Hemsworth swimming in the lake, showing an 8-pack! Yum!"

Zelenia shook her head and let Mona daydream for the day. She could see when Mona's eyes became heart-shaped. Anyway, the only hottie she got to know an 8-pack is Manager Jang in a bathroom incident.

Wait for a minute.

Why is she following Mona's crazy imagination? Erase! It's early Monday. 'Focus at work, Zelenia! No time for fooling around.'

* * *

The following two days were pretty exhausting. It's not physical, but mental, both her work and the employees gossiping about her. Every time she went to the washroom or the Coffee Area, the female employees whispered to each other while glancing in her direction. Even though they lowered their voices, she could still hear them.

"Who is she? How did she seduce the vice president and even Manager Jang? Oh, my God!"

"She's shameless, and certainly, she's good at it. She wouldn't have kids if she were not seducing random men. The father of those children probably sees her true color, the reason she was left alone."

"I know someone in my relatives. Her husband is not the father of her son, so the husband left her. How shameful."

Zelenia clenches both of her fists. How so easily is it for them to judge a person? But this human nature is also found in the immortal's behavior. Wherever she went, she would always encounter these beings.

'Allow me to punish these women, Priestess!'

'I know you would say that, Luna. It's okay. They don't know who I am or why my children have no father.'

'But this is too much!'

Luna is super annoyed. Zelenia could understand, but kindness and beautiful things matter to her most. Her training to become a Priestess must have possessed this point of view. Luna is just worried about her a lot, only acting stubbornly.

Zelenia turned around. She will use the washroom later when it's empty. She had just made five steps when she heard screams. The three girls gossiping about her come out from the washroom, clothes dripping with water. They were surprised to see her in the hallway. They were shivering from the cold, their heads sunk from embarrassment. Their mascara and makeup run down, messing up all over their faces.

'Serves you all!' Luna sniggers.

'Luna, did you do it?' she asked her familiar.

But how did that happen? Zelenia thought. She did not feel Luna cast magic or release her energy to make fun with them.

'I wish it was me, Priestess! That is not the only punishment they will receive from me! I will soak them from the cubicle's toilet bowl!' Luna laughs.

It's the truth, and she did not do that. But she was thankful for the evil spirits that played with these ugly women! 'Karma is a bitch! Bad luck quickly found them. Now, look at them. Huh!' stubbornly, she grinned.

'Okay. Let's better phone Mr. Gibson.'

Zelenia returned to her desk and rang the Maintenance Team of this building, and reported the washroom incident.