Luna, The Blue Phoenix

Zelenia glanced at her wristwatch. One hour before the work ended. She has to tell the kids she will be home late as she must drop by a supermarket. At times like this, they were on the way home, and she would take a peek at them through a mirror.

The Priestess went to the washroom and locked the door. The faucets are now replaced, and the maintenance workers ensure they are well adhered to.

Zelenia touches the mirror, and it displays the streets where the twin walked home. However, what shows her are the kids running and being chased by three men.

Now, the kids are cornered by the alley.

She studied the three men, and they possessed dark energy.

"Luna, save the kids!" She summons her familiar. Through the mirror, Luna teleports to the place closer to the twins.

She came out to a restaurant's washroom mirror since it was empty. Luna pushed the door open and followed the narrow corridor. It leads her to the dining hall, where everyone drops their mouths, mesmerized by this dazzling goddess appearing before them.

'Dang it.' It was why she hated appearing in the presence of humans when she turned into a mortal body form. They all look at her like a fried phoenix, craving to eat her whole. She was tempted to turn them all into a chicken instead. But the Priestess won't like it. 'Ah, what am I thinking? I have to save the kids!'

Luna makes hasty strides as she must avoid being seen floating around by these humans. The people she crosses on the sidewalk drop their jaws, and eyeballs jump from their sockets. It's not her fault to be this gorgeous. She was born with it, and to be honest, she doesn't want to live with it. She is better than invisible.

Finally, she reaches the alley where the kids run and is trapped by these three giant men wearing all-black outfits, symbolizing how dark their energy is flowing inside their bodies. She raises her right hand, pointing one finger at them.

"You all dare to walk among the mortals?" she blurted out.

Stealing their attention, the three men that circled the twin turned their heads and scanned the beautiful lady who appeared, now standing at the entrance of this alley.

"Luna!" the twin cried at once. Their faces showed relief now Luna was here. They cannot summon their familiar, as they haven't learned it yet how to do that. Their mommy sealed them inside this morning. Besides, they were uncertain if these men were ordinary people. They feared these men would see the familiar coming out from their bodies.

Luna's overlong silver hair danced behind her back. She wore a fitted blue short dress that accentuated every curve of her body, even the cleavage of her breasts and her pair of smooth, porcelain long legs. Luna was already tall, but her four-inches red stiletto added to her height.

Just about a second, a deafening sound struck the men's ears. They covered them, and when they opened their eyes, they realized they were inside a strange place.

Janus and Aisha are astounded by what they have seen. Are they outside in outer space? The twins look at each other. Their eyes glowed from amazement.

"Where did you take us!?" yelled one of the men.

"I created this realm for you to fight with all your might, damaging nothing of the human city," Luna replied proudly. "Welcome to Azure Dimension."

Luna was on fire. It has been a while since she had a decent fight.

"It seems the mage truly underestimates you."

"You all do. Now..." Luna gazed sharply at the men. "Tell me who you are, and what do you need from the kids?" Her voice was intimidating. The men shook their heads, fighting the spell of

"You need not know." Arrogantly, they replied Luna.

"I see. Then? Try to get out in this realm if you can." Luna returned. She smirks to annoy these three men.

They glance at each other and nod. Transforming bodies into beast creatures, they attack Luna at once. She forges ice crystals and shoots them out. The beasts dodged her ice crystals, but they appeared out of nowhere... one of the Beasts got by them good and buried the ice crystals into his back; the body slowly turned into ice and shattered into pieces.

The other two beasts panicked, but they gathered all their energies and attacked her together. They release all of their force, attempting to burn her.

Luna accepts the attacks but then laughs. It made the beasts troubled.

"Fools! I was born from flames, not from an egg!" her voice echoed, and she transformed into her true form... a Blue Phoenix.

Luna flew above the beasts. They tried to run, but Luna followed them from mid-air. Her entire body was blazing with blue fire. She dives in, stretching her wings; she flies past the beasts. Their bodies are cut into half as Luna's wings are like flaming sharp blades. The beasts turned into ashes and disappeared.

"Huh! They at least send someone a hundred times stronger than these fools! There's no fun at all!" she complains.

"Kids?" Zelenia's reflection appears inside the Azure Dimension. Janus and Aisha ran toward her, but they realized she was just like a spirit.

"Wow, Mommy! Can you do this too? Like... We don't need a computer, a huge screen, or a hologram!" Janus actually loved watching Science programs and inventions. Now he was way more intrigued about magic.

"After cultivating your power and skills, you both can learn the different stages of the Path of Senses."

"Really, mommy?" Janus and Aisha felt excited to learn about them sooner.

"Anyway, you both go home first. I will come home straight after work."

"Aren't you going to the Supermarket, Mommy?" Aisha reminded her mother.

"Yes. But I am worried about you guys."

"Then, no worries. Will come over now, Priestess.' Luna stated.

'Huh? As in?' It confused her. Luna won't just appear in the washroom with the kids, is she? "Luna? What are you planning?"

"Just wait for us." Luna winked at the twins.

"We're going to mommy's work?"

"Luna? Are you certain to show yourself?"

"Luna!" Janus and Aisha ran in her direction and hugged her.

"Are you kids ready?"

"Yes, we are!"

"Let's discuss this matter later, Priestess."

Hmm... Now Luna has learned to behave this way, huh? Zelenia smiled. She opened her eyes and scanned her reflection in the mirror. Pushing a smile, Zelenia strides outside and looks forward to her kids picking her up at work.

* * *


"Luna? Where did you get that sports car?" asked Zelenia.

"You purchased it," Luna replied.

"What? When? Don't tell me?"

She suspected that Luna used her magic to buy and register that car and even owned a driver's license.