Meeting Aunt Luna


5:00 in the afternoon is one of the busiest moments in the lobby. Everyone goes crazy to go home or chat in the lounge before going out.

All heads turned in one direction when a new model silver sports car parked outside the Entrance Door of the building. Everyone held their breath, anticipating the person driving in this car coming out. They are all excited to see if it is a handsome, wealthy business investor in this company.

Meanwhile, inside the car…

"Kids, remember to call me Mama Luna, okay? I am your Mommy's Aunt."

"Okay!" Janus and Aisha replied enthusiastically. They like the idea of addressing Luna as grandma but insist on calling her Mama instead. People hearing them calling her grandma are amazed when they learn her appearance is far from being a grandma.

Janus and Aisha step out of the car. Watching from inside the building, everyone's jaw dropped when they realized the passengers were two adorable kids. Later on, they began praising the twins entering the company lobby.

"Janus, Aisha! Are you here to pick up your Mommy?" asked Mr. Gibson when he recognized them.

"Yes, we are, Mr. Gibson!" The twins replied at once.

"We are going to the Supermarket," said Aisha. The employees cannot help but be mesmerized by her cuteness.

Mr. Gibson glanced at them, then replied. "I'm sure your Mommy is coming down now. Does she know already?"

"Yes. We phoned her."

"Good! She must be having trouble getting an elevator to come down. Who did you come with?" asked Mr. Gibson, glancing at the car.

"It's our grandma!"

"Grandma? Your Mommy's mom?" asked a secretary from the Project Planning Team.

"No. It's her Aunt." Janus looked at the woman with a sharp glare.

She felt a cold chill go down her spine, this kid's gaze reminded her of someone else, but she could not recall who it was. "This kid is fierce, disrespectfully staring at me," she whispered to her Co-team.

Janus returned his attention to the old man, who was a little puzzled.

"I never saw any of your Mommy's relatives, but it's great that someone is visiting you! Why didn't she come in?" Mr. Gibson asked the kids as someone approached them.

"Mr. Gibson, are they Miss Henderson's children?" someone asked from the Finance Department.

"Yes, they are."

"Oh, they are beautiful like their mommy!" Some rolled their eyes at this statement, while others agreed.

"Kids, mommy hasn't come down yet?" asked Luna, striding closer to them.

All heads turned in her direction, and mouths dropped. They were all charmed by Luna's radiant appearance. What a beauty!

"Not yet, Mama Luna!"

"Mama? Who is she?" Whispers are raised in the lobby.

"She is our mommy's aunt!"

"What????" Shock registered on their faces. Could this young be a grandma already? It was what was written on their faces. "But she was too young?"

"Is it illegal to stay young forever?" Luna blurted out, which caused everyone to shut up.

"Janus, Aisha!" a sweet voice echoed in the lobby.

"Mommy!" The twins run toward their mother.

Everyone is keenly observing. Some are whispering, and some are just gossiping about this scene—so much hate inside their hearts.

Luna, who could hear every soul gossiping about the family, was glaring in their direction. 'How dare these lowly mortals!' She was controlling her anger not to cause trouble for the Priestess. She has to behave herself.

"Could it be like an aunt like a niece?"

"They must be using their appearance to hook a wealthy boyfriend."

"Humph!" Luna returns a glare at those gossiping about her and the Priestess. She was tempted to turn them into a duck! They shiver and bite their lips from the cold wall she is putting up. The truth is they are just envious t her. They could not believe that Zelena Henderson's Aunt was as beautiful as she was... the skin was smooth and fair white, glowing and shining. Her silver hair looks shiny, as well. They were curious about how anyone could maintain this kind of look if she were in her 50s or 60s.

"How much money did she spend to undergo a facelift? How many times should I do that every year?" They continue gossiping.

The nerves on Luna's forehead began showing annoyance. 'They were just dying in envy but wouldn't let up!'

'Just let them be.' Zelenia encourages.

"Aunt Luna, thank you for picking up the kids." Zelenia flashed a sweet smile on her lips. Luna is much older than her, so it is just right to call her Aunt. But it still surprises her that Luna is playing this kind of game.

The smile on Zelenia's face became big and cheerful, and everyone in the room felt warm inside themselves; the room lit up with her beautiful smile. Zelenia always smiled at everyone, but this smile was very different. It is her pride and happiness as a mom.

"Don't mention it. We are a family," Luna replied, trying to smile beautifully, and the men dropped their hearts.

"Anyway, let's go. We have to drop by the Supermarket, remember?" Luna takes a heads up.

Of course, they cannot believe that Zelena's family has younger appearances. Everyone has been staring at them. She doesn't like all this attention but hears positive talks later.

"Wow! Did you see that? They are goddesses! Even the Aunt looks so young!"

"And they look like they are also from wealthy families."

"You are right. Who could afford that latest car?"

An unending gossip circulated in the lobby. Zelenia lets Luna continue happily. She will overlook Luna's boldness by appearing to the human rather than having Luna insist on punishing the humans that gossiped about her family. They were reaching the exit door when another voice echoed in the lobby.

"Kids! You were here!" Shane calls out to Janus and Aisha. Walking behind him is Manager Jang.

"Good afternoon, Mr. Smith and Mr. Jang." Politely, the twins greeted the two men.

Shane and Xanther glance at each other. It surprised them that the kids suddenly acted formally toward them.

"Kids, I told you to call us Uncle. Did someone complain or question you about addressing us in this manner? Tell me, and I will cut their tongues out!" Shane's voice can be heard throughout the entire lobby. Everyone becomes silent. Guilty of something.

"But it was mommy who told us, Mr. Smith."

"Eh? Ahem! Well, we cannot cut your Mommy's tongue out. But if she told you that for some reason, maybe it was because people might misunderstand. I will cut their tongues out or burn them!"

The twins giggled. "Okay! But is it that was bad, Uncle Shane?"

"I agree. Stop saying nonsense in front of the kids. You are teaching them that an awful attitude is okay," Xanther scolded Shane.

It astounded everyone to hear Manager Jang scolding the VP. Well, everyone tasted Manager Jang's scolding with his sharp tongue, but not the VP and the heir of Smith Enterprise. It only proved their friendship. But other employees misunderstood this and gossiped about their understanding of the situation.

"Hey. Don't forget I am your boss," Shane reminded Manager Jang.

Xanther glanced at his wristwatch and said, "It's past five in the evening. I am off work already. It means I am not working for you at the moment."

"Hey! I feel offended! I can pay you overtime!"

"Thanks, but no thanks."

"Really? Like having tea with them?" Shane smirked, then asked the twins. "You kids want ice cream?"

"Can we? But…" Janus and Aisha glance at their Mommy.

"I am inviting you guys for tea, so what do you say, Miss Henderson?"

Zelenia peered at her kids and then glanced at her bosses. She was having trouble deciding. How could she refuse? Not to mention they were still inside the company, and everyone was watching this scene. Would it be rude if she rejected the invitation in front of everyone?

"Shane, don't bother them. They must have a family reunion right now." It was Xanther who spoke for Zelenia.

It surprised her once again.

Xanther glanced in Luna's direction while standing near the Exit Door. She is exhibiting an impatient expression as if she cannot wait to leave the building.

"Well, the truth is… She is the reason why I invited you guys. Could you introduce me to your Mommy's sister?" Shane whispered to the twins.

Luna heard everything. Her left brow rose while complaining to the Priestess.

'No! I don't want to be with that guy! You must refuse, Priestess!' she begs.

'I will see and hope the kids will understand if we reject the invitation.'


"Well…" Janus and Aisha's eyes meet, and they talk. They were thinking about whether they should convince their Mommy. They were curious about what would happen when they remembered the last time Luna played with Shane. It amuses them to imagine letting them be together. They have this silly idea, but whatever decision their Mommy has, they'll follow it.


"Maybe next time, kids. We must prepare a good dinner tonight to welcome Aunt Luna," she smiled meaningfully at the twins.

"Aunt Luna? Then she is?"

"She is my aunt!" Zelenia was careful not to snigger, seeing the shock on Shane's face.

"Wait, Xanther. How did you know that they were having a family reunion?" Shane asked Xanther, which made the manager raise a brow.

"In the three years that Miss Henderson has for this company, I have never seen her relatives."

"How certain are you that they are family?" Shane asked further.

"Shane?" Xanther twitches his brows. This boss is overreacting somewhat childishly.

"All right! I am just playing along," he smirked, then turned to the kids. "Don't forget to introduce me to your grandma next time. Okay?" Shane whispered to them once again.

"Hum! We will!" The kids giggled, then ran toward Luna, who was starting the car.

"Thank you for the invitation, Mr. Vice President. But we have to refuse." Politely, she rejected Shane's invitation.

"No problem! But I do want to treat them out."

"I understand. I appreciate your kindness. We're leaving now, Vice President Smith, Manager Jang."

"Have a good evening, Miss Henderson."

Zelenia bowed before she headed to the door, leaving everyone in awe. She could tell by the big shock on their faces, and their eyes followed the car as it went.

The moment she sat in the passenger front seat, Luna hit the gas, leaving the building premises. She turned on the self-driving option, letting the car bring them to the Supermarket.