Her Fear

After the kid's left them, Zelenia keenly talks to Luna.

"Luna, are you sure about this?"

"Those dark Elves, I feel they will keep bothering the kids. We need to find out what they need from the kids. Since we expose ourselves to Aurora Lake, they now follow us. It must be Janus they were after. Lord Aelius's flame has always attracted anything."

"Could it be it was what they were after? But how did Aelius pass a fragment of Blaise's flame?"

"Let us talk about this matter with Sora and Lionel. For a year, they were looking after the twins. Maybe they noticed someone or something when we hid in the Galatians' Universe." Luna suggested. All those times, she stays hidden with the priestess's ashes to feed her energy until the rebirth is complete.

"Hm. Let's do that, Luna. And about the dark elves. They must plan something."

"Should we let the white elves know?" Luna queried. It must be a concern for them.

"They have to know. I will send a message tonight. Anyway, what dinner do you prefer?" She asked Luna.

"Can I make a request?"

Zelenia giggled. "Yes, you can! We are celebrating your arrival, remember?" She winked at Luna and went on. "Besides, we have to figure out what your job is."

Luna is contemplating what she can show off to humans. She could destroy everything if she wanted to. Maybe she'll declare to rule the planet...

"Luna?" Zelenia read her mind.

"I'm just curious." She put out her tongue at the Priestess. "Maybe we can tell them I was running a shop from Finland. But now I move here with you."

"That's right! It's a tea shop! That was brilliant!"

"And we can start our shop here. You can quit your job. You need not be someone's slave. They're supposed to be your slave!"

"I don't need a slave, Luna. Unfortunately, I cannot resign yet. I must stop Smith Corporation from building its factory in that place. Aurora Lake's realm is in danger. Above all concerns, Draken is sealed in that mountain. What if it brings chaos and awakens? I must find out what kind of factory they are building and look for another area."

"This creature, Draken, has enormous evil energy. By sealing him 5000 years ago. It means none is living on that lake yet. But now, a town and cottages were all over the mountain." Luna concurred.

"I need to convince Shane to talk to his grandfather."

"Humph! I don't want to hear that lowly human's name."

"All right. Let's not talk about it. Soooo—" Zelena did not finish what she meant to say after recognizing the men following the twin.

"Zelena and Zelena's Aunt! Well, hello!"

"Mr. Smith?"

'Ouch. Speaking of the devil.' Luna rolled her eyes and gave her back, pretending she was looking at something on the racks.

Zelenia giggled secretly at Luna's reaction. Does she hate Shane this much?

"Mommy! I saw Uncle Shane and Uncle Xanther!"

"I see. Hi!" She smiles awkwardly as to how Luna ignored them.

"You should not invite them," Luna whispered to the kids, but she was loud enough to hear.

"Ahem. I haven't introduced myself. I'm Sh—" Shane attempts to speak at Luna, but the Queen of Blue Phoenix is rough with him.

"Humph! I'm not asking for your name!" Luna told Shane, and it irritated her to see his face.

Zelenia felt the gloomy atmosphere given by Luna; quickly, she stands in between them.

"Ah. Sorry about that, Mr. Smith. Meet my Aunt Luna. She just arrived from Finland, and she's still jet-lagged. Well, you guys are shopping!"

"We are supposed to meet the General Manager of this mall to talk with some business. However, there is an emergency, so… Ahem! We come by shopping to make a hotpot," Shane explained. He peered at Luna, but still, he was snubbed.

"Mommy, that was tasty!" Aisha whispered to her mommy. Zelenia did make this once in a while.

"You guys can join us! Xanther is making them at his place."

"Oh. It was a delicious dish. But I'm afraid…."

"It's been a long time since I haven't seen my niece and her children. I want to spend time with them alone." Luna helps out to turn down another invitation from Shane. Zelenia thanked her through telepathic communication.

"Okay, I understand that…." Shane smiled handsomely, even after Luna turned him down.

"I told you not to bother them." Shane elbowed him.

"Okay! I am not! Just trying my luck. Hehe."

"We'll do a hotpot once we move in, Uncle Xanther!" Aisha told the manager. He glances at Zelenia with questioning looks in his eyes.

"Oh, are you guys looking for a new place to live in?" asked Shane.

"I don't like the current apartment they are living in at the moment. It's unpleasant! My grandchildren deserve better!" Luna made the reason. She hasn't liked it at all ever since.

Zelenia winked at Luna. 'I wonder. If you become an actress.'

'Humph! I don't like their fake acting!'

'It's natural acting. You can surpass a skilled actress!'

'Why are you mentioning it, priestess?'

'Ah, I'm just thinking….' Zelenia smiles playfully. Luna likes theaters and Classic movies.

'Forget it. Let's finish now, and I want to go home.'

'All right. But maybe we need clothes for you since you just arrived?' she teased.

'I will just let Sora make them from the internet.'

'Hmm, great idea!.'

'You should let Sora make your clothes like usual.'

Back in the Celestial Universe. Sora fills her days with making dresses for the Priestess. She is a great Celestial sempstress.

'Okay. But I don't want to be noticeable. Wearing designer clothes.'

'Humph. Leave it to me!'

"All right. Kids, are you done? Do you need anything else?" she asked them. But it surprised her to see Xanther and Aisha together picking up ingredients in the racks. She noticed how Aisha was getting close to Manager Jang. It makes her wonder if Aisha feels like a father figure to him. Her daughter's eyes lit up, and Manager Jang cheerfully talked to her daughter.

"What is better? This brand or this?" Xanther holds two different brands of oyster sauce.

"Mommy is using that one, Uncle Xanther!" she pointed to the one from his left hand.

"Great! I'll buy this one then!"

"Hum! That was tastier!"

"Thanks for the help." Xanther patted Aisha's head and glanced at Zelenia, who was keen to watch them. He nods at her.

"No problem! I learned that from mom," she whispered.

"Then, it's our secret?" he said, returning his attention to the girl.

Aisha giggled, then she nodded at Manager Jang.

Zelenia could not help but cherish a rare sight. But this fear... could her children smile like this when they were with their father? All because what she only knows is an ill life awaits them.

'Be strong, kids...' her chest tightened upon having these heartaches.