Work and Family Time Always a Conflict

Thank God It's Friday…

Now I understand better what it means for a human.

After a long and stressful week, I cannot wait but look forward to a beautiful weekend with the kids.

I promised Janus and Aisha to search for our new home starting tomorrow. The kids were too happy to hear we would purchase a bigger house to live in.

In these passing days, I work hard to finish my reports to make my weekend available to hang out with them for a drive around the city. Janus and Aisha have to familiarize the city in case something happens.

But then, after lunch, Manager Jang visited our office and approached me. He could give me a call, but he chose to come personally.

"Miss Henderson, come with me to the VP's office."

Xanther said shortly and left the Inventory Team office, headed to the elevator without caring to wait for my reply. He is unpredictable. Is he cold and sweet to me now?

Well... We have no special relationship, but as boss and employee, however, these passing years, we have had this unbreakable formality until lately, there has been a sudden change…

Or is it just my imagination?

I was having a quick thought when Mona asked me. Curious as usual, or I must say; she is very interested in my love life and encourages me to search for a boyfriend—a real one and not just remain a rumor. Well, I just shook my head every time she had this craze.

"What's going on, Zel?" She saw Manager Jang appear to be serious. He did not even wait for Zelena to respond. "Did you anger the VP, Zel?"

"I did not," I replied, glancing at our Manager, who stood before the elevator. I realize he is waiting for me. It is what I am saying earlier. He'll be cold now but then act sweet afterward. It still surprises me with his strange personality. However, I am used to it because I know someone, which works like this, and Manager Jang made me remember him every time.

"He's waiting? Then hurry, Zel! You should follow the wolf now!"

"Yeah. I'm going now," I said, getting up from my chair.

The moment Manager Jang sensed I was closer, he pressed the button, and not long after, the elevator arrived at our floor. Being with him alone in the lift feels strange. Honestly, our communication in the past is too poor. He talks to me. But it was all about work and my reports. However, I sense there are changes now. Or shall I say, a development?

'Oh, boy.' I immediately feel a gloomy atmosphere when I step out of the elevator. The planning team glared at me, seeing me coming to this floor. Worse, I was with Manager Jang.

Ahh!… I died from their murderous glare! It was like knives throwing at me.

"Ignore them."

Huh? It surprised me to hear Manager Jang saying something like this. Is he now concerned for me? Seriously? Is he liking me now? Oh, that was a crazy assumption. Well, the usual, everyone gossips about me lately with gossip. Sighed. I was always the target of rumors. One thing I don't understand anywhere I go.

Mortal and immortals are the same hearts. Many of them bear an envious heart, whether it is about others' achievements and success or what others possess that they don't have.

'And that is our youthful look and beautiful skin.' Luna often quoted this to me.

But I don't understand why they bear contempt toward me.

Each of them; is beautiful in its unique way. I could see that all. But they let insecurities swallow their pride, which makes me sad. It was because they need not feel envious of me. I, who was jealous of them. They were free to love someone and have their own free will.

Since I was born, I am already bound by responsibilities. If only they would understand, I need not explain anything.

"Miss Henderson?"

It startled me to hear Manager Jang's voice and his warm palm on my shoulder. He shook my shoulder when I thought deeply and did not pay attention.

We were now in front of the VP's office, and Manager Jang opened the door, gesturing for me to enter the room.

"Oh, thank you!" Ugh. I have been making myself distracted and less aware. Probably it is because of what I wanted to do for my children, then the pressure from my work and co-office mates.

"Zelena, come in! Please take a seat!"

VP Shane Smith had a warm welcome, and I noticed how Manager Jang frowned at it. Is he mad or something? I can sense he is every time Shane makes a friendly approach toward me.

"Good afternoon, Vice President Smith."

"Shane. We are the only people here."

"I was here." Manager Jang reminds Shane.

"I know!" Shane glared and said, "But the person I only call to come to my office is Miss Zelena. Not including you." he pointed at Xanther.

"I come to your office to give a report. It would be rude if I requested you to come to my office instead to hand in my report."

I laugh in secret. They're at it again.

"All right, whatever!"

Is Shane giving up? That was surprising.

"Ignore this man, Zelena."

Shane told me afterward, pointing at Xanther, and I wasn't sure how to react to that.

"Zelena, I called you today to ask you about the update on the land we needed. Although the land grandfather wanted is the one with the Davis at Aurora Lake. So, I think he would not change his mind."

Shane explained to me. That's right. I promised him to look for another land because they should not learn. I cannot gamble the safety of the Elf Realm. I want to guarantee the security of humans, as well. What if Draken awakens and escapes from the dungeon underneath Aurora Mountain?

I need to ensure the safeguarding of the elves and the mortals.

"But Mr. Shane, as you can see, Aurora Lake is not a suitable area for an industrial plant. It experiences a strong intensity of earthquakes. It will bring tremendous damage to the property, and I believe it will affect the production and operation of the factory." I explained. I have to convince Shane to pursue his grandfather to change his mind.

"I know you have a point, Miss Zelena. How about I will set a meeting with the Chairman, and I will give you a chance to convince my grandfather? Since I am giving you this project, you must convince the Chairman."

I dropped my mouth. Do I have to see the Chairman? Although it was a great chance, this grandson should be working on it. Jeez. What on earth I'm getting into now? I was contemplating when Manager Jang spoke up.

"Wait, Shane. Isn't this project mine as well?"

"Now it's for Zelena," Shane demanded.

"I am the first one you ask for help."

Oh, man. While Shane and Xanther argued, I could not avoid feeling bad. I need to come up with a better setup in this situation.

"Um, I don't think I was fit for the project when I am not from the Planning Team. But if I can help, I volunteered to look for another land."

I need to stop them from arguing. I have work to do. I must finish my inventory today as new stocks will deliver next week. I must complete the reports, and I hope my bosses remember that. Sigh.

"All right. But my grandfather entrusted me with this project. So it's my choice who I want on my team."

Shane announced, and I was like, something was wrong with his statement.

"This project was given to me. So then, Miss Zelena will be in the team Manager Jang." Shane dropped Xanther's name, but he failed to annoy the Manager.

"I'm fine with that. But you need not bother Miss Henderson about this project. Anyhow, I will accept her suggestion and survey the land myself. You can leave this project for me."

"It's my final decision, Xanther. Miss Zelena is in this project."

"I heard you and heard me."

Ugh. Why won't these men stop arguing over small matters? They are always acting childish. I want to get out of this room. The wolf won't back down against the lion. I could see the energy coming out of their body. Wait, something is different.

"Okay. I will help with this project with all my best." I said to stop them from their meaningless arguments.

"All right! I will set a meeting with the Chairman first thing tomorrow."

"Eh? Tomorrow?"

It's Saturday, and I have plans with the kids! I heaved a long sigh. Now, my work and family time is always in conflict.