Working With The Bosses, Another Gossip About Me

"It should be tomorrow? Can't we do it by Monday? So, I have time to search for the land area?" I demanded. I need to convince Shane because I have plans with my children and don't want to disappoint them. Sighed.

"Hmm. I'll think about it. Grandpa is bugging me," Shane replied.

I anticipate his decision. But Shane seemed uncertain, so I continued. "I have to present the land area, so I must run the research and survey and then prepare a proposal. I will do it at the weekend."

"Hm, you have a point there," Shane said; he glanced at Manager Jang. "What do you think, Xanther?"

"We have to be prepared if we want to pursue the chairman to change his mind. We cannot just talk to him without showing any land samples."

"It is not just your burden, Miss Henderson. We will help you do the research."

"Ah, but I need to run into the warehouse for inventory," I reason.

"Don't worry. I will call Mr. Ford to assign it to others. You must focus on this project as Grandfather wanted to begin the construction of the building as soon as possible."

"Okay." I glance at Manager Jang. I caught him staring at me while Shane was talking on the phone with Mr. Ford. It worries me. My co-employees would spread rumors again once they learned I was part of a new project. Working with the bosses, another gossip about me being in a team.

I was assigned to the Inventory Team. Then?

Why did I suddenly become part of the Planning team? I could already see a picture of everyone questioning this and gossipping I am the rumored girlfriend of the VP, the reason I was part of the biggest project in the company.

I'm tired of this gossip about me, but I like my job. In these passing years, doing inventory alone in the warehouse is what I prefer. I don't want to meet the executives and then have meetings now and then if I was part of other teams. I just wanted to sit at my desk or spend my days in the warehouse for inventories and make reports for Manager Jang. I am content to have this job.

Ending the call, Shane asked me afterward. "All right! Now we can start the work! So where should we begin?"

I turned my head and looked at Manager Jang.

"Do you have questions, Miss Henderson?" Xanther initiates the discussion when I am still hesitant to share my thoughts.

"I have. I want to know what kind of factory the chairman wanted to build, Mr. Shane?"

"It is a window glass factory. By the way, I told you to call me Shane. We are working on the same project; we should call each other's name."

"The more I should call you with formalities when working in the same team, Mr. Shane." I reasoned and watched his frustrated expression. He glanced at Xanther, which Manage Jang shrugged a shoulder.

"She's right, Shane. It's better if we keep formality with each other."

"Well then, you would call me Vice President, Manager Jang?"

"As you wish, Vice President Smith."

I giggled when Shane dropped a jaw, and Manager Jang said it with a poker face, which was fun to witness how they would annoy each other.

Why is this atmosphere somewhat familiar? I don't know, but this warm feeling lingered in my soul, telling me the familiarity of the past.

Or maybe I miss the things from back then, which were a long time ago.

Let out a long breath inwardly; I listen to Shane's childish complaints.

"Ah! I can't believe you! I insisted we call each other's names since we are in a team now!"

"Shut up! We better work now if we want a great result fast."

Manager Jang stands as the adult one. It amazes me as I also have friends that have always been fighting but always stick together with each other.

"Okay, fine!" Shane frowned when he could not win over. "Kian, you are also a part of the team!"

Shane called out his assistant and joined us.

"What can I do, Mr. Shane?" asked Kian.

"What should we do first?"

Shane passes the question instead. I fell into deep thought and realized something.

I have plans with the kids tomorrow!

"The first thing we must look, whether the area is not the center of a fault line that causes substantial damage." Manager Jang began.

"And if the area is easier for transportation. Like if we have to bring heavy equipment and stuff." I added.

"Miss Henderson is correct, boss!" Kian concurred.

"I need to note them," I said, taking out my phone. I typed everything we came out with within our meeting agenda and what we should discuss soon.

I called Mona to bring me my laptop. We are now browsing for land for sale throughout the entire continent of the United States of South America. The business Smith will start is about making windows. Some inventors from Asia are interested and see this as a potential booming industry.

I searched all over the web and found several land areas. But I need to check them by myself. I need to assure you it is not an Elves Realm.


Evening and still, we are working on our proposal and making plans. Our discussion is still going on. Later, I took a break to phone the kids.

"Hello, kids? How are you? Is everything okay?" I asked Aisha.

"We are fine, mama. Don't worry."

"Is no one following you guys?"

"No one, mommy! Luna picked us up!"

"Oh, is she driving the car to get you?"

"No, mommy. Luna just walked."

"I see. And I am glad no one is following you this time." I said worriedly. I continued talking to Aisha when I could feel ardent gazes watching my back. I glanced behind, and I caught Xanther staring at me. It made me curious about his thoughts, and he looked at me like that. He has become mysterious to me. I prefer those years when he never spares a look at me. I need not bother to talk to myself like this.

"Okay, kids. I'm sorry if I will be home late. You guys can call for delivery. You can check out the directory on the internet, right?"

"Okay, mommy! How about you?"

"Well, Kian went out to buy us dinner. So I will not dine with you guys. I'm sorry."

"It's all right, mommy! Don't worry about it! You are working hard!"

It was the first time I would not dine with the kids since I returned to life. Hearing Aisha cheering up for me, I feel proud. I'm happy they were growing up mature and understanding. But to think about it.

Ah, I missed them already. After I was reborn, I failed to make the kids a wonderful dinner. But now, I am taking a new turn in our lives. The kids are growing up. I need to work harder. Even though I try to stand by my words and responsibilities, I cannot avoid them. In the world of humans, I must live this way.

The kids seem used to it. If they were born and grow up in the Celestial Universe, they must cultivate their energy to learn how to forge them into a weapon and magic. In, I have to begin, as their energy is unbearable. Aside from that, they have to learn to summon their familiarity and protect themselves while learning.

Before that, we need a house where Sora and Lionel can typically hang out with us. The current apartment we are living in is smaller for more people. Besides, it could hear noises from the neighborhood. Lionel has a loud, high tone of voice and cannot control himself from laughing aloud. I must avoid that.

"Mommy, don't worry about us; we are fine that Luna is here!"

"Okay, kids, don't forget to make your assignment and sleep early. No phone after 8:00!"

"Understood, mommy!"

"I love you, kids."

"I love you too, mommy!"

I hang up the phone, and my lips purse into a smile. Maybe this is better. I am overprotective of my kids. They are growing. They have to do it on their own and learn to survive. No one we can lean on is ourselves in this Universe.

"Zelena, I look at the sample you give me. I think this is the best area."

Hearing Shane's voice, I came back to my senses. I asked, "Would you allow me to survey this place first?"

"Yes. But you need not be alone."

"Oh. I am not. I will bring the kids with me." I told Shane.

"Then, that was perfect!"

"Huh?" It confuses me. And what is he planning now? I could smell something fishy.

"I decided that the four of us will survey the land tomorrow."

"The four of us? Then, you, Manager Jang, and Kian?"

"Yes! But since you want to bring the kids, we can invite your aunt."

I see. And I don't know if Luna would like it.

"Okay, then…"

"I already contacted a lodge for our stay. Same, it was near the lake!"

I'm not feeling so good about it. I reason to go with the kids to visit Bluff County through a portal, but if Shane comes too, we must take a plane. Oh, he has a plane. He can travel anywhere in the world. I should not forget that.

Should I agree? But this is work, yes. Like the last time, I refuse to join them in visiting the land that turns out, it's the same place we have to survey, and they end up staying with us after the quake.

Now I remembered. It is still a mystery to me.

Why can Mikael, Shane, and Xanther enter the magic barrier without losing their way? I still haven't figured out that one. Even Luna does not understand.

These men. They probably are not ordinary humans from their previous life. Now they reincarnated. It still grants them a good living.

"Food is here! We can now have super! And look who's here?" Kian announced his arrival, and someone walked behind him.

It surprised me. "Why are you here?"