Ridgewood County (Two)

After breakfast, Zelenia and the kids, along with Xanther, join Greg for the tour around town that day.

At the veranda on the second floor, watching the car leaving, Luna was approached by Robert Mason.

"Miss Henderson, I will set off to the market to buy more stocks for the villa. Do you need anything so that I can buy them? There were only basic foods in the fridge. I may have received the notification earlier than yesterday. I might stock up on more food."

The older man spoke politely without a disguise of any hidden agenda that Luna usually senses from the men in the city.

The man standing before her is genuinely respectful; thus, she has no reason to be so cold and behave too highly. Instead, she returns to the same polite behavior.

"You have nothing to worry about us, Mr. Mason. We were only here for a few days. My niece was conscious about her children's health if there were concerns regarding our meals. So I'm certain she'll drop by the market on their way back to grocery shopping. You can carry out the other things you must do."

"Oh. How could I leave our guest alone..." Before the older man could finish his sentence, Luna lifted her arm to stop him from speaking further.

"I am fine. I wish to get some rest. So I want to chase the opportunity." Luna says this, hinting that the older man will no longer bother her.

The older man was sensible. Thus, he understood he must better leave and carry out his work for the day. Anyway, his nephew, Greg, can accommodate their guests if they need someone to help them.

"Alright. Well, then… I will take my leave, Miss Henderson, if you need nothing."

"Hummed." Luna nodded and smiled. She could see that the older man was reluctant to leave.

Soon enough, he turned around and left. But after a few steps, he halted and glanced at the beautiful woman seated on the wooden balusters veranda.

"Miss Henderson, how old are you, by the way?" He could no longer hold his tongue. Since Luna and Zelena appeared before him, the two had almost no difference at all. The former was actually relatively young. Her age seems not that different from her niece's.

Luna was not surprised if the older man asked this question. She and the priestess had a lot of resemblances; thus, at first look, they could be mistaken as sisters.

"I'm only a few years old," Luna replied.

"I see… Pardon this old man if I dare to query." Robert Mason chuckled awkwardly, then dashed toward the wooden staircase.

Luna heaved a long sigh. Now the older man disappeared in her line of sight.

But how great of her? She had more patience than it required to call herself polite, which surprised her.

'Then the sun must be rising in the wrong direction.'

She is the queen of the Blue Phoenix Clan. She was born noble and raised to rule. The words that came out of her mouth were a law and a command it must follow.

However, she doesn't want to cause trouble for the priestess and the kids. They had enough issues to deal with every day. Although they tried everything to keep a low profile, troubles always found them.

Finally, Robert drove off his blue truck from the villa premises and headed in another direction, opposite where Greg brought Zelenia, the kids, and Xanther.

Now that no one was around, Luna strode inside and summoned the girl hiding in the shadow.


Sora comes out from looming in the darkness. A sweet smile plastered on her face made Luna roll her eyes.

"Stop those giggles!" Luna wasn't happy seeing Sora wearing a teasing smile. She overlooked her silliness and ordered, "Let's go and scan this town. We must put the marks as soon as possible to ensure the children's safety."

Ever since the appearance of the blue flame, beasts residing on this planet emerge out of nowhere and attempt to kidnap Janus.

Soon the three of them must stay human to watch the children closer and protect them at all costs.

"Alright." Knowing Luna's temperament, Sora knows when to stop. She followed Luna to the living room and summoned the magic circle to begin chanting the spell.

"Carved into heaven. It shines like the stars in the sky."

Luna and Sora began the chant. Soon, a purple and pink magic circle appeared below their feet.

"North… South… East… West…"

Their hands' gesture, writing these directions into the Celestial Universe's ancient writings.

"Spirit of the Land…"

"Spirit of the Water…"

"Spirit of the Sky…"

"Spirit of the Sun…"

"Hear us… come forward and whisper the news hidden beneath this land…."

Sora and Luna expand their senses beyond the areas they can reach.

Soon, as clear as the lake's water and as blue as the sky, they sense great power somewhere.

Almost at the same time, Sora and Luna opened their eyes and shared a knowing look.

'The Priestess!'

They need the priestess's assistance. Thus, they instantly summon her.


On the other side, Zelenia already felt the intense energy from a particular direction and could not ignore it, but she must take care of it by herself.

Thus, she needs to make an excuse. She was shy to make such a request; however, she could not abandon the two familiars.

"Greg, is there any nearby cafe with a public toilet?" Zelenia ignored the questioning stare shot at her by the man seated in the passenger seat while Greg displayed a concerned look in his eyes.

"Is your belly upset? Could it be the breakfast I prepared? I…" Greg began feeling guilty and regretful at thinking he was the culprit. Zelena felt uncomfortable in her stomach.

Zelena waves her hand to calm the man. She smiled and said, "No. It's not that, but I still needed to go."

"Alright. I hope it is true. I would feel sick too if I was the reason you had an upset stomach."

Zelenia shook her head and comforted him. "No. I don't have an upset stomach. I drank a lot of fluid earlier today and haven't had to release them."

"I see…" Hearing that it was not the case, relief exhibited in Greg's eyes. He then smiled and floored the gas. "Hold on. There is a nearby cafe out here. They had a magnificent view deck. The kids can go sightseeing on the top floor."

"Oh…" The two kids gasp in excitement. Now they couldn't wait to arrive at the cafe sooner.

"We've arrived!" After three minutes, Greg announced with glee. He beamed as he turned his head to the back.

Zelenia thanked him, and she exited the car first, then held the door for Aisha to come down next while Janus went to the other door.

"Thank you, mommy!" The pretty girl beamed as she showed gratitude for her mother's thoughtful gesture. Then, she strode to her brother, and they entered the cafe holding hands together.

Zelenia followed her children close. Inside the cafe, her children ran toward the vast terrace at the back of the diner while she took the opposite direction.

She need not ask someone for the restroom's direction, as she had already scanned the wooden establishment. She was relieved when the toilet was unoccupied. She hurried inside and locked the door.

Facing the mirror, Zelenia chants a quick magic spell, and then she is transported through the mirror.

"Priestess! You're finally here! What are we going to do?" Sora approached the priestess right the moment she appeared before her.

"I will speak to them through telepathic communication." Stating this, Zelenia transformed into her actual appearance, wearing a white gown, and her hair turned purple. Then, she began to chant a spell.