Ridgewood County (Three)

Under her foot appeared a magic circle, a combination of the Sun and Moon pattern accompanied by several constellations.

Zelenia reaches out to the elves living behind the waterfalls. Through telepathy, she communicated to a Eunuch, the King's right hand.

"Who are you?" asked the Eunuch. When Luna heard his arrogant tone, the latter desired to give the Elven eunuch a beating until he turned into a pulp.

However, the Priestess shook her head and calmed her down. Luna had no choice but remained silent during the entire negotiation between the Priestess and the elves.

"Greetings. My name is Priestess Zelenia from the Celestial Universe. I came for peace for both the humans and elves who live on Earth. My children and I, along with our familiars, Luna, Sora, and Lionel, currently residing on your planet. But it is for the time being only."

Zelenia did not beat around the bush. She explained that her presence and the kids were of good intentions. She had already figured out that the Elven realm in this county would question their presence and purpose for coming here.

Janus' body was now a vessel for the Blue Flame, and the elves could sense the danger it would bring once the dark elves succeeded in kidnapping her son. Although they cannot obtain the Blue Flame, it could trigger the peaceful rest of the Draken, the dark energy that became a colossal monster imprisoned in the core of this planet.

"The child who possesses such intense energy. So it is your son?"

"Indeed. His name is Janus, and his twin sister is Aisha. We came to this town to discuss some business, nothing else. We didn't wish for any harm to your kin, but peace. If you allow me, I wish to meet your king once the humans in my company retire tonight."

Zelenia thought to sneak out once Xanther and Greg had fallen asleep.

Meanwhile, there is no response from the Eunuch for a long moment. Zelenia waited patiently as she understood the Eunuch had notified the king about her request. After a while, the Eunuch returned and spoke, granting Zelenia a positive response.

"The king has agreed to meet you by midnight. Come to the front gate, and I will personally escort you to see the Old King."

"Thank you. Please relay to the king my gratitude for meeting me in person."

"The present king has no time to meet an outsider. He rarely receives visitors, even from our neighboring brothers. But he exempted you because of the Old King's request."

"Oh… The Old King? Is that…"

"You will meet them tonight. That is all."

The Eunuch cut her off immediately and ended the communication. Listening to the entire conversation, Luna grew irritated at how the Eunuch sounded arrogant.

"How dare that lowly immortal treat you this way, Priestess? Do they take us as weaklings? Like I am afraid to have a head-on and retreat in a fight against their entire kingdom! They only live for a few hundred! Could they compare to me and my experience of living for tens of thousands of years? This planet is too small compared to the planets we saved back then! Their kingdom is just a piece of cake for me to destroy! And—"

"Enough, Luna. I am well aware of your capability. You can destroy this planet alone. However, with the elves living on this planet, I am certain the other Elven kingdoms would form an alliance to defeat you. We actually would not wish for that to happen when the Earthen who will suffer the most. It doesn't matter if they will respect me or stop exalting me the same as the beings from the Celestial Universe when I am no longer the Great High Priestess."

Before she became a Priestess, she is the Princess of the Moon Clan and doted on by the Emperor, as she was the youngest and only daughter among his thirteen children, twelve of them are all sons.

To avoid a Great War between the Moon Empire and the Grand Elders, Zelenia decided to leave the Celestial Universe. She sacrifices so much just to retain the peace between the immortals.

Hence, it was against Luna's heart to concur with the Priestess' belief. But the priestess was correct. The day she violated the Priestess Decree, she was no longer the honorable priestess the Celestial Universe had known and prayed to.

On this planet, they were only unwanted guests, in which if they did not follow the Earthen rules, they possibly caused great chaos, since the Elves were also hiding from human sight. Thus, they will not allow an alien-like them to cause trouble in the system of this world.

Even the elves make sure to keep their identity a secret. So who are they to force the residents of this planet to make adjustments for them?

May the Celestial Universe kneel under the feet of the Great High Priestess statues and pray for her blessings and protection, but that is no longer the case at present.

Thus, they must live in peace and avoid causing trouble in this world. Otherwise, they are forced to leave.

Luna knew the Priestess very well. She would not put up a fight but yield. If that happens, then things are not good on their end.

She must not forget that the Grand Elders haven't given up yet. They continue to search for the priestess, and they wish to apprehend her familiars as well.

The priestess' familiars are the Legendary Celestial Spirit Animals, especially Sora, who is the only one left in her clan, which possesses a rare power.

Whoever contracted her as a familiar, that person would be invincible. Even the Grand Elders are afraid of Sora's power. Even though she is a Great Queen of the Blue Phoenix Clan, her power does not work on Sora.

She wondered what would happen to her and the other clans if Sora was raised by those immortals who annihilate her clan.

Also, the Grand Elders were not the only immortals who were looking for them. There are groups of deities who desire to capture them and put a Slave Seal to control them. With them being their slaves, they will become immovable and impossible to defeat in any battle they would wield.

Moreover, those beings will use them to conquer every planet in the Celestial Universe.

Fortunately, it would not be easy to capture them without putting up a great fight. The Priestess would not allow anyone to lay their hands on them, especially on Sora.

"Alright. Now that I get the permission to visit the realm tonight, I must return immediately before Manager Jang and Mr. Greg wonder why I took so much time in the restroom."

Luna was snapped out of her thoughts when the priestess spoke.

"We understand, Priestess Zelenia." Luna and Sora bent their bodies as an act of courtesy.

Zelenia nodded and smiled warmly. She is always radiating with a motherly light and warmth. "I'm leaving now."

Before she disappears, she returns to her disguise, from having purple hair transforms into jet-black. Then she used the mirror in the living room as a portal and returned to the restroom.

Zelenia scanned her reflection and fixed her clothes before she exited the door.


Upon seeing her emerging from the door, Aisha stretched her arm in the air and waved to her mother as she called out. And before the two adult men were able to stand on their feet, Janus had already jumped off his chair, then pulled out another, and offered it to his mother.

"Please have a seat here, mommy!"

Zelenia chuckled when she realized Janus kept the chair between him and Aisha so that she would not sit next to anyone else. It seemed like her son started putting some boundaries around other men.

Having this thought moistened the corner of her eyes.

'Aw. My baby is such a fine young man now.' She looked up and gazed at the blue sky, pushing back the tears she suppressed with her might, hiding the complicated emotion lingering in her eyes.

"Coming!" The moment she sorted out her emotion, she delightedly strode forward and gladly took the chair her son pulled for her. "Thank you, sweetheart."

Upon being seated, she leaned over and placed a quick kiss on Janus's cheek. The young man blushed as the two adult men scrutinized him.

"How about me, mommy?" Aisha coquettishly tugged at her mother's dress while her bright gaze skimmed at her like kitten eyes.

Zelenia turned to her other side and eyed her daughter with a gentle gaze. "Of course, you are my darling."

She then pecks Aisha's cheek and the little girl giggles with contentment.

'Time flew so fast, King Aelius. Your children are growing well. Don't you worry…'