Ridgewood County (Four)

"Your children are adorable, Zelena," praised Greg. Witnessing such a scene before his eyes—his heart moved every time he saw a great relationship between family. He then added, "Your husband must have a great profile. I could tell since your son did not have any resemblance to you. But he is very handsome. While your daughter is a spitting image of yours."

"Ahem." Xanther coughed and then shot Greg a dagger look. By what he did, Greg was sensible enough not to understand that he hit a sore spot. With apologetic eyes, Greg looked at Zelenia awkwardly.

The children, on the other hand, it is not new to them to encounter people and mention or queried about their father. Sometimes, it was they who would answer without waiting for their mom to speak.

In the past, they were to hear their mom telling the people that their father had died before she knew she was pregnant. Thus, it was what was imprinted in their head as they grew up.

Janus and Aisha were curious to know more information about their father. However, on several occasions, they noticed a glint of sorrow in their mom's eyes when someone brought up their father; thus, they did not doubt their mom. Instead, they would step forward and answer the queries.

Now that they learned about their real identity, it came to their mind that maybe their father was still alive. Hence, they swear to train hard and cultivate the power that they possess.

And once that they were stronger, they would uncover the truth and search for their father if he was still alive. They have so many questions running through their head, actually. But they will wait for the right time to inquire about him.

For the time being, they will stick to the explanation they're accustomed to. Thus, Janus looked at Greg and smiled.

"Mr. Greg, our dad died before mommy noticed she was pregnant with us. Thus, we weren't able to meet him, nor he met us."

Greg was stunned for a moment. Then he smiled apologetically.

"I'm sorry to hear that. I just thought he was still alive, but he had other matters to attend to, the reason he did not accompany you on this trip." It never crossed his mind that Selena was a single mother. He was assigned to accommodate them well; thus, he was attentive to her and the children.

Now that Greg learned Zelenia (who was known to humans by the name Zelena Henderson) was actually a widow. Then he must not hold back from treating her extra special and the kids who grow up without a father.

He could relate to the feeling of having no parents. Thanks to his uncle, who adopted him, he has someone to call his parent. But his life as a kid wasn't easy since there were people who made fun of him and questioned why he had no parents.

In that instant, a warm feeling touched his heart. Upon having known the truth, Greg wasn't restrained anymore. He brightened his smile and offered Selena a mug of hot chocolate.

"This is our famous hot chocolate in town. Have a try."

"Oh. Thank you." Zelenia thanked and smiled at Greg before she picked up the mug of hot chocolate and inhaled the pleasant aroma it produced. She then took a careful sip, since the drinks were scorching hot.

"How about it, mommy? Isn't it delicious?" Aisha scrutinized her mom. She could not wait to hear her opinion on the hot drink.

Her mommy made the best drink, either cold drinks or hot ones. She always made the best fruit juice, smoothies, or teas and hot chocolate.

For her, the ones prepared by her mommy were the best in the world.

"Hmm… This is nice. I wonder what secret there is, and they make this too delicious." She praises. Hearing her saying that, her daughter's face brightened up.

"I think so too, mommy! But of course, yours is the best!" Aisha lowered her voice when she uttered the last sentence, then looked around to ensure that none of the servers heard that.

Zelenia smiled warmly, brushing her daughter's long, jet-black hair that Luna braided earlier with her slender fingers. She was delighted that her children appreciated her cooking.

Since she left her sanctuary, her fairies and pixies were also left there. They were the ones who prepared everything she needed, even sewing all of her clothes. But she feared they would not survive if they left the Celestial Universe.

After all, their lives are from the Spirit Tree, the dwelling place of the priestesses who died due to age or in the war.

The flowers that bloom from the tree every one hundred years are the birth of the new pixies and fairies that become the priestess helpers to manage the sanctuary since the priestesses were always on call by distressed immortals, creatures, and even beasts who prayed solemnly, requesting for their presence and assistance, especially during wars.

However, for a priestess like her, it forbids tarnishing her purity. Once her body was no longer holy, she would turn into a cursed tree.

Although the tree was like a cherry blossom, it symbolized the priestess who violated the Sacred Decree.

Whereas, surprisingly, it did not work for her. It was actually the first time it happened. She supposedly turned into a cursed tree. But after a year she gave birth to the twins, and she was granted a rebirth. That was all thanks to Luna for giving up half her life. And because of that, Luna's power had weakened.

In her absence, Sora and Lionel take care of the children while Luna keeps feeding her energy so that she can live.

Therefore, she was thinking of quitting her job and looking for a town where the familiars could live normal lives, and stay in human forms.

If she could convince the Elven King of this county to allow them to live here, she'll discuss it with everyone instantly. It was essential for her to train the twins and cultivate their skills as soon as possible.

If only her mother were here, even though she would dote on her grandchildren, surely she would give them tough training like how she trained her strictly.

She was pampered by the empress, but she was no exemption to train ultimately.

Remembering her family, she often wondered how they were now. Not a day she would not think about what had happened to them after she left the Celestial Universe.

She wondered what happen if she left her children to her parents. Without them, she had fewer worries. But she could not bear to part from them.

Her children deserve everything. But because of their current situation, they have to suffer. She wanted to spoil them like how she was pampered by her parents and twelve brothers.

Thus, her heart would ache, thinking she did not let them taste even half of the life she had when she was the Crowned Princess of the Moon Empire.

She grew up without worries and was spoiled rotten by the entire empire. However, her children were discarded as bastards by the Celestial Universe after they learned about her pregnancy.

Although Luna often urges her to dig all the treasure on this planet, live like an empress and rule the Earthens, there are original dwellers in this world.

Those treasures and precious stones belonged and were well guarded by the Elves. If they attempted to steal their treasures, she could already imagine a great war breaking out when they dug those rare gems.

What she could do now is at least let her children experience a much more comfortable life and enjoy their childhood.

Soon Janus and Aisha will become teenagers. She already guessed that many heads would turn and many eyes follow them around because of the great looks they inherited from their parents.

Indeed, their father, King Aelius, is holding the title of being the most handsome immortal in the entire Celestial Universe.

Although her twelve brothers are on par with Aelius in every aspect, she always jokes to her brothers that he is greater than them.

Whereas, her brothers cannot accept that her affection was stolen by someone else. They never acknowledged that Aelius surpasses them when it comes to great looks.

'Ah, those memories….'

Zelenia slightly shook her head, snapping out of dazed. She resumed sipping on her mug and enjoyed the delicious drink.

Meanwhile, there is someone who harbors some grievances toward a particular person.

Seeing how Greg even became thoughtful toward Zelena, Xanther shot another sharp look at the guy. On the other hand, Greg could sense that the man seated next to him was glaring at him with hostility.

Of course, he is a man too. Thus, he understood that Xanther had hidden feelings for the single mother of twins.

Earlier over breakfast, Zelena mentioned she was already working at Smith Enterprise for three years.

'Yet, Manager Jang did not make a move on her?' Greg mused inwardly.

'What is he waiting for, then?'