
Date: 3/9/269 IG

Location: Planet Lucas In the Blitz System

Time: 13:00


"We've Reached the top!" said Rose

The soldiers gazed at their prize, They can see everything, From the secret base to the multiple ships from several Kilometers out, The sunset was as glorious as they imagined, a rainbow of colors filled the sky as it was turning to night.

"Hey Astronia Is that Astro on the Roof?" questioned Rose as she Glanced at the building

"Most likely, He must've saw us." Responded Astronia

Astronia then Pointed at hector "Anyways Hit the Button so we can Go down, The faster we get down the Longer Break Astro's Gonna give you"

"how do you know tha-"

"That's classified, but you should easily know why" responded Astronia after interrupting rose

"Alright" *beep* Hector pushed the red button

*bang* a Red flare shows at the top of the mountain Astronia looks down but she doesn't see Astro anymore...

Rose walked towards hector "How are you feeling hector"

"Like shit it still fucking hurts" whispered hector

a few seconds pass by "i tried to~

"No need... i saw and it's my fault... i gotta say... it was the least he can do"

said hector as he slowly kneed

"The least? what do you mean by that?" asked Astronia

"There are rumors that Astro does way worse, i heard that at the battle of Trayon one of his generals ran away from the battle because it was Astro was outnumbered 1-30. When Astro did found the general i heard that he cut off his limbs... or mayb-"

"Alright that's enough... i'll give you one of my special medicine so that you can heal faster..." Astronia got up and lifted hector up with her arm

"let's keep moving! let's make it past sundown"

Astronia moved behind the pact.. but with a tear in her eye

"Astro is way worser then i could've imagined... if satan was real then he couldn't hold a par unto Astronomus.. may mercy run into our souls" wondered astronia

Date: 3/10/269 IG

Time: 03:00

The Soldiers keep moving through the Snow tired, exhausted and frightened. they dogged the seekers, hid their movements and quietly moved along.. until a soldier popped



"The hell is that" "What's going on?" "What have you done!"

Astronia and her Company looks up towards the mountain.

it's a Avalanche running down a hill


The Company quickly jumped grabbed into anything or use anything useful. Like cover, rocks and caves. Astronia carried Hector on her back as she was running towards the caves but it was too late

"HOLD ON!" The avalanche hits most of the company. People who didn't get hit as hard is able to dig up some of the peoples head get's out quickly but hector and Astronia after 2-3 minutes doesn't appear and most of the soldiers start panicking

*BOOM!* a Dust of snow kicks up from a area and the company moves down to see what or who it is..

It was Astronomus as lifts both Hector and Astronia from the snow, He then drops hector down and pulls his legs back to kick Astronia

"W-WAIT!"Most of the company yells out

*Thud* Astronomus Kicks Astronia in the back

*Gasps* *coughs*

she coughs up snow that was blocking her lungs as she regains consciousness

The Company then looks at Astronia and starts to whisper to each other

"he-saved Astronia?-He's gonna kill us if we leave- so this is why hes a general"

*Vrooom* Astronomus then propels away with his rocket boosters on his feet

Astronia then slowly get's up and starts walking again but her face was filled with rage and anger.

"Shut the Hell up and keep moving! Double-time!" Astronia then picks Hector back up and starts to jog again

"If i see him again may mercy be upon him and not us" declared Astronia