Jealous Prince

Since his coming back,there has been a lot of discussions in the court room regarding the problems with the neighbouring kingdoms. A war is indeed inevitable to Aspen.

After a long discussions, the Queen would always make Axel stay back.

"Take the throne my child"

" You want me to take the throne when it is in danger?"

"No im asking you to take it because you can lead better. You can acheive this. I trust in you"

Axel remained silent, he looked up to his mother but didn't say anything.

The Queen noticed some changes in him during these days.....his mind seemed to be preoccupied not with problems but a kind of joy.

She didn't intend to go pry into her son's privacy much.

One day, he was detained by the Queen .

Corrie was in the gardens. Hayden walked by and saw her among the flowers.

"Corrie, you have made this place a heaven ."

It was indeed a very beautiful and refreshing sight.

"Thank you General"

"Call me Hayner, we are close enough for you to call me that"

Corrie was flushed but she was glad.

They kept talking and didn't see the guy standing behind them and giving a piercing glare to Hayner.

Axel's face twitched when he saw Hayner standing so close and having fun with Corrie.

'He shouldn't have done that. I'm going to make him pay'.

The next day---

After the meeting in the courtroom...Axel asked Hayner for a 1 on 1. Hayner agreed happily. Little did he know he was going to get crushed.

At the training grounds...

The fighting was intense. A swoosh and Axel's sword was near Hayner's throat. He could see hatred and anguish in the Prince's eyes and was surprised. He was thinking about who could've provoked him. Atlast he thought about the person whom Axel had told him. That time, he asked many things but Axel just walked away calmly with a big smile on his face. It must be because of that girl he thought.

"So things didn't work out with your love?"

"Yes, it seems she is not interested in me but is interested in someone else."

Axel thrust his sword forward but Hayner quickly blocked it. Atleast he was not aggressive and still used his head in attacking.

Axel cooled down a bit by now.

"Do you always need to take it out on me when something goes wrong in your process of courting the girl?" Hayner sighed.

To his surprise and horror, Axel replied ,"Yes".

Axel went away feeling a bit good.

Corrie enjoyed Hayner's company. She was reminded of Vince. But she felt a little restrained to both of them.Whenever she was with Vince or Hayner, she would always feel some restrain as if her heart was not willing to fall in love yet.

The last time she went away again, she had left a white orchid again. The next day she found the flower in a vase of water. When she enquired about it, she got the answer that Axel had kept it there. She was quite amused by it and so she smiled at him all day long. Only God knows how much Axel wanted to take her in his arms.