A Twitch

Everything was going smoothly. Axel and Corrie's relationship advanced well. The Queen was very much pleased with everything.

At the back of their minds, they were dreading over the comimg war. Everyday, the soldiers were trained hard. Everything was ready. Axel had sworn that he will take the throne only after he won the war and marry Corrie too. People were loyal were hapy for him.

Corrie really missed Nina and wished if she could see all this, she would be ecstatic, she just smiled at the thought.

"What are you smiling about?", Axel came in and saw her in a daze smiling.

"Nothing, i just miss home"

"You are home"

"I havent told Milana yet!"

"Everyone knows so she must have heard too"

"It has been a long time since i went there. Can i go?"

"I cant come with you tomorrow since i have an audience with the ministers", Axel was sad.

"I didnt say i would need you to go with me", Corrie said non-chalantly.

Axel was surprised,"What do you mean . Did you think you can go anywhere you like without me by your side?!" He pinned her against the bed.

Corrie smiled,"Its just the town that too at Milana's"

"Humph! How can you just say that?! I want to go with you!"

"You cant. You are busy to-"

Her lips were already dominated by Axel and since her mouth had been open, Axel slipped his tongue in hers. Corrie was taken by surprise. He kissed her until she couldn't breathe. After he let go, he had a big satisfied smile.


"You are mine ...your lips never fail to satisfy me!"

"Humph!!!", Corrie pouted.

"You will go there tomorrow with my guards. And come back on time"

"O-okay",Corrie surrendered.

Then Axel gave a big smile and hugged her to sleep in his arms. Corrie felt safe and comfortable and so she felt asleep soundly.

While that was that, something twitched in the timeline. The T.M. was awakened again...automatically. Something big is about to happened!

Next day---

Corrie went to Milana's. She talked a lot with her and her friends. When the day came to an end, she went back with the guards.

She went back to her room and saw that Axel was yet to come. Like always, she placed an orchid by his bedside. It had become her habit to leave it when she was out. Seeing the flower, she wanted some fresh airs so she went out the gardens and was enjoying every little thing when her hand began disappearing...

In a swish, she was gone. Completely vanished from sight. No one was around. Only still atmosphere....