Chapter One

Eden was in the shower. Anna thought to check upon him. But her heart was thundering with fear. What if Liam had said the truth? No, he was just lying. Eden can not lie to her? Why will he do that? He can tell Anna if he is going to meet his girlfriend. He can tell her the truth. Why will he hide such a thing from her? Anna is his best friend. Eden has to trust her that she will not come in between his happiness. 

Anna opened the door of his room. She was still feeling a little shaky. Liam was good too harsh on her. She has to hide her expressions. If Eden noticed her. The fears on her face. He will suspect that something is wrong.  She entered inside his room but he was not present in there... Anna heard the shower on.

He is in the shower. Anna thought to wait for him but then she dropped the idea. She was going to get out of his room when her eyes caught something... Wait!!! His shirt was placed on the bed.