Chapter Two

She was crying. Anna was sobbing loudly. 

'Why I feel betrayed? Why? He was not mine. Why my heart can not understand that? Why do I care?' 

The warm tears were rolling down on her cheeks. 

'No, Eden. I can not live with you here. No, I can not live under the same roof with you. Should I still consider you as my friend? No. Why I expect too much?' 

Anna cried her heart out. 

'Anna, why don't you understand? It is up to him. He can go anywhere. Why? Why did you just being so stubborn?' She tried to convince herself but no her heart was not letting her do it. It was aching so badly. All her pain was leaning out in the form of tears. 

Anna broke down. Yes, she is broken down in thousand of pieces. Anna laid on the cold floor. Her tears were running wildly...