After I left the study room with my cleaning stuffs and placed it back to the storage cabinet. I rushed to my room.

"Oh my gosh! What just happened?" I whispered. "Why him? Why him?"

I was walking back and forth so tense at that moment. I could not believe what I see. If I was not that alert maybe he will find out who I was.

"Gosh! Of all people, why him?" I keep repeating it as I looked at myself at the mirror.

Luckily, he did not totally recognize me. Of course, he could not recognize that it was me who slept with him the other night. I was wearing an eyeglass right now with make up on. My hair is always in a bun when I am in the mansion.

No one saw me here without my glasses. I only took it off when I am in school. Then when we were at the club. Ever since I left home, I am using disguise so that no one will recognize me. They knew me back home that I was a fashionista and party goer.

My clothes I brought were simple and not branded. I got used to what I am wearing right now. I am okay with it.

But now I have a bigger problem. Why him? Why is it my boss I slept that night? I crumpled my hair for disbelieve.

"My gosh! Good thing, I did not give my real name." I spoke.

I was already changing my uniform into pjs after shower. I did not go down during dinner because I was still not hungry. I ate late lunch and early dinner this afternoon.

But now, I want to drink milk only before going to sleep.

I looked up the clock on my wall. It is 9 in the evening. I am sure no one is around. Maria and Rodel were in their room and our boss...

I do not know if he is around but I am hoping he sleep early. I grabbed my eyeglasses and flipped my hair into bun. I walked out from my room. I looked around and the place was quiet.

I reached the kitchen happily without interruption. I did not turn the full lights on since there were dim lights every corner. I can still walk my way to the kitchen.

Opening the fridge, I was happy to see the milk. I love milk and it is good to drink before sleeping. I put it in the counter to get a glass. I poured milk into the glass when the lights turned on.

"Jesus!" I startled and it spilled it on my upper pjs.

My boss was the one who turned on the lights. Looking for rags immediately to wipe out the spilled milk. He was walking towards me as I was cleaning the dirty area.

"Why are you not turning on the lights?" He asked, frowning.

"Still, I can see even it was dim light, boss." I replied without looking at him. Part of me afraid that he will recognize me.

"Okay, next time don't do that. I thought there was a thief getting inside the house." He spoke. "Do not sneak around like that again."

"S-sorry boss." Why my voice is cracking. I cleared my throat. "Do you want something, boss?" I asked.

"Just a glass of warm water please." He said politely.

Wow, he is really kind boss. However, I feel like he is watching my every move. I gave him a glass without saying anything.

"Thank you!" He said after drinking it but he paused, clearing his throat. "You should change your clothes from spilled milk." Then he walked away.

I finished my milk and went to my room. I did not notice my upper pjs until I looked myself at the mirror.

"Oh my God!" I said it loudly.

I forgot that I was wearing no bra when the milk spilled onto my clothes. My left nipples were erected.

"Stupid me!"

Wearing my new pjs after I took a quick shower. I could not sleep right away thinking what I did the day.

'What a very welcoming impression I did?'

Waking up the same routine every day since I am on a semestral break. I did my usual duty in the mansion. I walked to the kitchen with fresh looking already. Showered and changed into my A Line uniform. I have different set for five working days.

Suddenly, I froze when I reached the dining table. My boss is eating alone while Maria was busy with something.

"Don't just stand there." Maria said as she noticed me. "Join Zane for breakfast."

I walked slowly maybe he will finish then once I reach the table.

'Who's kidding who?'

"Do not be nervous. I won't eat you." I heard my boss say that Maria laughed.

"Oh, stop joking. Tay will not afraid of you." I smiled a little to her.

I sat silently as I joined him. I would not say a word and just eat. I do not want him to ask questions. I am not ready for introduction.

"You eat more Tay. We are family here." Maria reminded me.

How can I eat properly when you know that I have a guilty conscience? I cannot even chew, I just shallow it. I want to finish my breakfast quickly. I want to get out right away.

God heard my prayer as he stood up. Sighing as I am alone in the table. Maria was long gone.

I was smiling as I continue eating. I love eating. I love foods because food is life.

I looked at the plates. Oh, my Geez! I ate like a pig. Kidding! There are still foods left. But I ate a lot when I am alone. Besides, I do not eat snacks or lunch if I ate a lot in the morning.

Standing up, clearing the table, putting leftover foods into the container. I did the dishwashing too. Everything is now neat and clean.

I smiled as I start another day of my life.