I chuckled as I saw her eating after I was out of her sight. She must be that shy not to eat properly with me. I shook my head.

'Why would I even bother with this little creature in front of me?'

I turned away and not to think about her. I saw Brix waiting for me outside. He lives two blocks away from my house. I gave him that house for being a loyal friend and person to me through the years. It was not that big. But a house that can live with his wife and children someday.

I already picture him with Hazel, my secretary. They looked good together if they both will give each other a chance.

Shaking my head for my stupid mind popping up about love. I do not have even a love life of my own.

Suddenly, it appeared in my mind that woman I hooked up with the two nights ago. The impact I got unto her was unusual. Then my mind shifted to my new housemaid this morning was the same impact I feel.

Shaking my head again for being too much thinking about women. I guess I will considerate a little about having family. To the right woman that we will grow old together. I hate divorce and start over again. I want someone for a lifetime partner not a temporary one.

Arriving in my office. "Good morning, Mr. Zane!" She greeted me with a smile without hidden agenda.

Hazel is so hardworking and devoted person I know. Always on time with it comes to work like Brix. Never abuse my goodness treatment on them. These people that I will always treasure forever.

I have been changing secretaries before her. As what I said before, my previous secretaries were flirty. They want to climb to bed with me. I set my rules for myself that as much as possible I do not want to involve who are currently employed in my company. It is lesser the problems and complications as much as possible.

"Good morning! Bring me a cup of coffee please and my agenda of the day." I spoke.

She left my office and went to make my coffee. Brix came in as he was holding a folder in his hand.

"I got the surveillance footage about the person you were asking about." He placed it in front of me. "Would you like me to dig deeper?" He asked.

"Yes please! I want to know that person and also my new maid at the mansion too." I assigned Brix. "Everything as in everything."

"You have a new maid?" He asked in confuse. "Why you want to know about her? Does she look suspicious?"

"Yes! Maria hired her when I was away. I mean, I do not mind her hiring because I trust Maria and the people in the mansion." I said, looking at him. "However, the new maid intrigues me. It is not a bad feelings but I am just a little curious."

"Like what?" Brix asked.

"Like she is not an ordinary person." I answered. "Maria said she is still in school while working at the mansion. Online schooling and face to face."

"Okay, I will let someone to watch over her for the meantime." He said, assuring me.

I nodded. Brix left and Hazel came in my coffee.

"Tell me my schedule." I asked, sipping my coffee.

"Yes Sir! Now you have a lunch meeting with Mr. Powell only. The rest of the day was all it is." Holding the tab in her hands as she told me.

My businesses were all in good smooth so there is no need to bother everything. I give it all my best in it.

"Okay, thanks! You may go now." I said, waving my hand.

I was in the middle of my work when Hazel called me in the intercom.

"Sir, your mother is here." She said, informing me.

I frown. Why did my mother a sudden visits me? I do not want to see her for a moment. She will always insist me to a blind date again. I do not really get it. Women are only just a distraction once you are committed to them. I still love my singleness. I do not need her to choose for me.

'Why bother if I can be with different women, I want and easily dump them after.'

"Okay, thanks Hazel! Let her in." I said as I unlocked the door.

My mom came in. She is always having this aura of elegancy in her. She never old through the years.

"If I did not come to visit you, you will no intention to see me." She said as she entered.

I know we will be arguing nonsense again. But it did catch me for a moment there. She was not alone. A woman with mid-twenties was with her. I never saw her in my life.

"By the way, this is the daughter of my friend, Mrs. Torne. This is Rebecca Torne." She introduced the person beside her. "Graduated from prestige university. She needs job so I want you to hire her immediately."

I do not give a damn whose daughter she was. If she came from known school, why would she ask a favor from my mother?

My eyebrows furrowed as I looked at the woman. She is smiling, flirting. I do not think she is here for work. She has hidden agenda. Hmmm... Does she think I am afraid of my mother's demand?

"If she wants to work, she needs to apply to the HR Department, not to me." I said, went back to my files.

"Zane, why would she need to go there? I want you to hire her directly. No need to do such thing." Her voice was annoyed.

"Mom, I respect you because you are my mother. But if you interfere with my company. I am sorry I would not allow that." I said firmly.

"Your company? This is obviously our company." She said that to me.

Now this is getting out of hand that she said that. Just because of that stupid favor of her friend's daughter.

I slammed my palm to my desk that got me irritated. My mother was out of the way to angry me.

"Okay, if this is your company. I called Dad so that he will not retire from handling this company of yours. And you can ask him a favor so that you can hire any of your damn daughter's friend to work for him." I said, smirking. My mother was shock that I said that. "And lastly, Rebecca, right? Well, I do not care if you came or graduated from elite school. If you are as intelligent as my mother say. You will not be here asking favor just to please me. Now, please excuse me. Both of us can exit because I have a lot of work to do." I sat down as I called Hazel. Hazel opened the door of my office.

"Hazel, please escort them out. I am busy right now." I command. "By the way, Mother, I do not want this to happen again. I do not give a damn even if you are my mother." I warned her.

I love her, yes, but doing unnecessary thing to me is not my doing. I am not a kid anymore that I will follow her. I have brain that function very well.