Okay! That was weird with that Mildred's incident thing. Why I know her name? Well, I heard Mrs. Vivian called her. I do not like that woman on my first glanced at her. And I was always right in the end. She intentionally picked on me after we all went out of the office. Glaring at me while Mr. Zane was talking nice to me while to them, he was annoyed.

I cannot blame him. They went overboard especially his mother. It has been new era or generations passed by. No more fixed marriage nowadays in our country, hello! If there is, well, I am sure my boss would be against it.

For my years of working with him. I can see women come and go in his life. And I am thankful that he is not my type. He is not some pervert like my previous employers I encounter.

'I know who your type is, girl.'

Shaking my head as I continued my work. Boss Zane was not inside his office. They were out for a lunch meeting with Mr. Powell. I was not that busy even if Mr. Zane is here. But he is still got me some tasks to do.

He never let me go with him with his outside meetings. He is always with Brix. I paused thinking about him during the incident again this morning. Mrs. Vivian slapped him because he protected me from that crazy woman.

I wanted to slip it because she was with Mrs. Vivian. I will fight back if she did it more than that. However, it was just a little child's trick for me but Brix saw it. He never let it go. My heart was jumping for joy as he stood up for me.

I have been liking him the first time I set my eyes on him. It was not in the company. It was somewhere else, somewhere so memorable to me.

I was busy encoding some documents. I did not even aware that it was ten minutes before going home. I saved the file in the computer. It was not that urgent but it was really a lot of pages to encode.

I was in the middle of arranging my table when Brix appeared. It thought Mr. Zane came with him. He stood up in front of me. I lifted my head as I wondered.

"A-are you going home?" He shuttered as he placed his one hand at the back of his head. He was slightly blushing.

I tried not to giggle looking at him but I just nodded. I continue fixing my desk and shutting my computer. He did not bother me but stayed some distance. I was nervous doing my thing because he was watching me all the time. He makes me nervous.

After a while, I was done everything and ready to go home. Ignoring his presence thinking that he was waiting for Mr. Zane. As I was ready to step away from my desk with my handbag with me. He also stood up, I looked at him with confuse.

"Are you ready?" He asked.


"I am taking you home. If you do not mind." He said, smiling.

I did not answer him because I think I was dreaming. I just giving him a slight smile. I do not want to jump to anything but my heart was overjoyed. This is the day I am waiting for. For him to notice me and it was something that I cannot get over it.

We reached my apartment. He parked his car properly along the street. He hopped out and opened the door for me.

"Would you like to get inside? I will cook dinner for us." I said, giving me some courage to say it. This is my chance to be close to him. His eyes were sparkling as I invited him in.

"That would be great because I am starving." He is handsome when he is smiling. It was rare for me to see him smiling. "I will help you make our dinner. He added.

"You know how to cook." I blurted out. "I am sorry I said that."

"No, it is okay. Yeah, I do. I will cook for you." He replied. "Now tell me what you have in your fridge."

"Well, not much." I said as he also came closer to me. My heart was pounding.

"Hmmm... I think I will make anything what you have in here." Saying it as he looked at me.

"Suit yourself! I will hand it to you whatever you can cook." I smiled.

"Okay! As long as you are not a picky eater." He said, giving me his sweet smile.

"No, I am not." I answered. "Would you mind if I leave you here for a while?" I asked.

"No, absolutely not. I am okay here and you can do your thing." I smiled as he said that.

I left him and went straight to my room. My apartment was just small with two bedrooms. The rent is just a little bit not expensive. Good for my budget and the neighborhood was so quiet and safe. It is also near the company.

Taking off my clothes as I entered my room. I did a quick shower and changed into my house clothes. Drying my hair quickly then went out to help him.

I could smell food already as I opened the door. He sure does know the cooking.

"Wow, smells good and I am sure it does taste delicious." I complemented.

"Hop in, I just did a quick dish for us because I am starving. I am sure you do too." He said, laughing as he heard my stomach growling.

I laughed as I glanced at him. It has been a while since I got company in my house. I did not expect that we clicked. From admiring him when I was still in school. I did not expect to see him again in my third company.

Mr. Zane is really nice boss and not a pervert. That's why I work there longer.