I thanked Zane inside my mind for the encouragement he did to me towards Hazel. If he did not keep on saying it to me. I would still be watching her from a distance.

I had the guts to send her home. She even invited me in. I even volunteered to cook for our dinner. I really do cook at home because being alone in my house was the only thing I had to learn. I cannot always order foods outside.

I did a quick cooking as she was heading to her room. I know she wanted to take a shower after work. That's what I always do when I reached home.

She does not have much foods in the fridge. So, I came up something simple and fast but delicious dish. It never took such time I was done with it. Just in time Hazel came out from her room. She was wearing new clothes, home clothes. Big shirt and short. Bare skin face, no make-up just fresh from the shower. She is indeed beautiful truly. Never let herself to impress me. She acted at home like I am not her visitor which I like her more.

We were chatted random things and I noticed she is an eater. She ate a lot like anything. She is not even conscious with her figure.

We ended up in her living room, after our dinner. Drinking a little wine because we have work tomorrow. We were still talking that I find her interesting. It was rare of me to be a little talkative. Through that we were both even laughing the whole time. I love her laugh.

I did not realize I was staring at her. Watching her lips moving as she talks. She stopped as she noticed me. I looked into her eyes as we were both staring. Her lips were moving a little.

I did not bother to ask permission to her. But instead, our lips quickly unite as one. We became heated and ended up to her room.

I groaned as I saw how beautiful she is without clothes on.

"You are so beautiful." I murmured as I praised her.

She blushed and grabbed me as she kissed my lips. I was like a hungry lion that want to eat her alive. She is damn delicious than my cooking.

"You are wet, so wet." I said as I touched her private part. "You are wet for me." She nodded, biting her lips.

I smirked as I dived my face to her p*ssy. She does smell nice. She moaned louder as I was playing with her. She came not too long her first orgasm.

Tasting and eating her was now another favorite. Glancing at her as she catches her breath.

"Are you ready, beautiful?" I asked as I slowly took off my last garment in my body.

Her eyes widen as she saw my proud glory. Standing tall and healthy. I know she can handle me. I smirked, looking at her make me want more. Her eyes went back looking at my eyes.

She gulped then nodded. Positioning myself in between her thighs. Teasing a little bit before I slowly enter. She was not a virgin anymore but I could tell that she is not sexually active. I do not know for years or months. She is so f*cking tight.

"You are so tight, beautiful." I whispered to her ear as I bit her slightly. I finally entered inside her, all of it to the end. I could feel my sweats running down in my forehead. Her nails were scratching my back.

It hurts but I love it. It indicates that she loves what I am doing to her. I did my excellent work that she ended up very exhausted. Without taking too long she drifted off smiling at me. I did the same after I cleaned her up.

Never did I feel like this in such a long while. It gave me beyond expectation. Did I really like her that much? She is younger than me a little. But it does not matter though.

I fell asleep, smiling as I hugged her.

I was the first one to woke up the next morning. My body was completely recharge. I stared at her while she is sleeping for a moment before putting my clothes on.

Closing the door behind me gently for not waking her up. It was still early so I decide to cook some breakfast for us. I saw some bacon, sliced bread and eggs. Cooking it then and I had some breakfast after.

I went back to the room and she is still sleeping. Kissing her forehead before leaving her house. I still need to shower at my house and change new outfit before fetching Zane. He always wants me to get him instead his own driver in his house. We used to talk important matters.

It was just 10 minutes away from her apartment. I got home, shower and change. I am in good mood since last night I was with her. I could be on top of the world.

I was outside Zane's house waiting for him. It was already 8 o'clock in my watch. She should be up right now. I heard Zane's clearing his throat. I lifted my head.

"I presume, you made the first move yesterday." He said with grinning.

"I do not know what you are talking about." Denying something as I opened the door for him.

He laughed loudly as he entered. I walked to the other side. Pretending to concentrate with my driving. He did not say anything more but he keeps smiling on me. I shook my head for teasing me.

We arrived at his office. Hazel was already there but not in her desk. I saw her tumbler on the table. I was guessing she is inside the comfort room or in the pantry room.

I followed Zane inside his office to discuss something.